#mdlg babygirl


Learning to Let Go

Stylish. Sleek. Sexy. 

That’s how I found her - just another silly girl pretending to act all grownup to impress the boys. Sweating over makeup, stressing over work, trying to keep up all her appearances. The poor thing - she didn’t even realize how much of a prisoner she was. 

She was shocked when I told her that I didn’t need any of it, that shedidn’t need any of it. But I explained to her that I could teach her to let go of all those big girl worries, all those pesky thoughts clouding her little mind, and her eyes welled up as she begged on her knees to know more.

As I leaned down to wipe her tears away, I directed her chin up, whispering softly, ‘Mommy is here. Mommy is going to take care of you. And you don’t have to worry anymore.' 

With that, I kissed my little girl on the forehead. And that night, her training began.

Oh, it took some time for her to get used to the rules, of course. She couldn’t quite understand why she wasn’t allowed to make any decisions for herself, why I kept reminding her that that was Mommy’s job. She couldn’t understand why I didn’t let her read anything, why any time I saw something on her screen that wasn’t a picture, I’d just turn it right off. And of course, she was a bit timid when I explained that she wouldn’t be allowed to use the potty anymore - you should have seen the pout on her face when I first made her fill her diapers for me! They really are so precious when they’re learning. 

But now, she doesn’t even need those rules! She wouldn’t know where to start with making decisions without Mommy’s guidance. If she even tries to open a book made for grownups, it’ll just make her poor little head hurt. And it wouldn’t make any difference if I let her use the potty - these days, she doesn’t even know she’s messy until I check on her!

Oh, some might say she’s dumber now, nothing more than an oversized, pants-filling toddler. But I like to say that her mind is liberated, and she’s exactly where she wants to be - exactly where she belongs. 


Image Credit: @cutiepie-blair

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