#meanings and uses



❄ pinecones : prosperity, abundance, new beginnings

❄ acorns : personal power, wisdom, youthfulness

❄ balsam fir : strength, breaking up negativity, insight

❄ cedar : confidence, money, protection

❄ cinnamon : spirituality, success, love

❄ clove : exorcism, money, protection

❄ fern : mental clarity, cleansing, purification

❄ ginger : sensuality, energy, liveliness

❄ juniper : attracting good health + good energy

❄ mistletoe : creativity, fertility, protection from ill will

❄ mugwort : instrospection, dreamwork, divination

❄ nutmeg : attracting money, prosperity, luck

❄ orange peel : love, divination, luck, money

❄ peppermint : healing, peace, restfulness

❄ rosemary : healing, preventing nightmares, faerie magick

❄ snowdrop : passing of sorrow

❄ valerian : dream magick, reconciliation, harmony

❄ wintergreen : good fortune

❄ yew : necromancy and death magick
