

Good Riddance, Tumblr - SIZEKINK .COM

Hey all, so what with the news that tumblr is going to be officially banning visual smut content (though apparently writing is still kosher), I formally urge y’all to back up your shit, back up other people’s shit that you’ve liked, and get the hell out of dodge. 

I’ve been saying this for a long-ass time, and I’ll say it again, but the kink communities that rely on social media need to stopand figure out another way to operate. Free platforms are not free lunches – you agree to the terms, and if the host company suddenly decides to turn into a bully, there’s nothing you can do but jump ship and hope the next place doesn’t screw you over and delete all your hard work in the process too.

I’ve thought about getting rid of sizekink.com for a few reasons, namely that I’m broke these days and all my domains renew around the same time (I pay like $60+/yr for them), and the fact that my partner got really sick this year and has been in and out of the hospital since August so I haven’t had much motivation to make with the sexy, so my site has been languishing. But with the news that Tumblr is going puritan – though the writing was on the wall since they were bought by Yahoo – I’m keeping it up in protest. Make the smut you want to see in the world. Host the smut you want to see in the world. At least I know that when I’m ready to start drawing more again, though, my website will still be there for me.

In response to the news, some of the members of my robo/technophile Discord server, Kiss Kiss Clang Clang, have tossed around the idea of starting up our own forum – somewhere safe from the meddling of big business and slash-and-burn PR policy (masquerading, of course, as concern for sex trafficking victims, FOSTA-style). In the meantime, we still have the KKCC imageboard for hosting art that folks want to save from the tumblr censors.

If you guys don’t really know where to set up shop over the next couple weeks, feel free to hang out at KKCC in the meantime; many of us are trying to figure out where a more permanent home might be and what it might look like going forward. If you have suggestions, definitely pop in to give your 2c, or reply to the blog post that this is autoposted from. (Comments are enabled, and you don’t have to register or anything.)

I’ll be removing all of my art from this account in the interim, and will continue to sync blog posts though they will be text/link only. Being an adult blog, I’m already invisible on tumblr’s search, but some of you with SFW blogs may still want to keep up with me.

Tumblr can suck it. Let’s figure this thing out, guys!

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(If you like or reply to this and want me to see it, you’ll have to go to the website. This is just an autopost.)