#medic x engineer


and last but not least, day 7!!

i figured after seeing that heavy’s heart exploded in initial procedure, medic saved everyone else’s og hearts while doing uber implants, including his own, so he ends up giving his to engie as a gift some time after they’ve been dating for a lil while. as a show of trust

engie loves it, obviously

day 5! ft my brokeback mountain au bc i haven’t drawn it in a while and i missed it <3

got a crush on someone on the enemy team but you don’t know what to do?? steal his heart! literally!!

anyways day 4! had revenge/payback in mind going in but idk how well that translates lol

day 3 babey!! chose uhhh “”“work”“” together for today! figured late night goofin science lads would suffice :]

day 1 of dontneedavaletines!! chose hold for today :]

thinks abt them a lot actually

just a little thing for today!!

love the idea of medic being super averse to PDA (as in actively tries to avoid acting like he and engie are a couple in front of the other mercs even though it’s incredibly common knowledge that they’re together) but as soon as he and engie are alone together he straight up REFUSES to leave him alone. hands resting under the front of his overalls, legs pressing together, arms wrapped around his torso, chin resting on top of his head or head rested gently against his, literally any contact he can get that won’t interfere with what they’re doing (if they’re doing anything at all).

engie thinks it’s funny and kind of cute. his immediate family was openly affectionate with each other when he was a child so seeing medic get a little flustered when he gives him a kiss when pyro and spy just happen to be in the same room is very endearing

just. ambivalently touched starved/averse medic.. <3 mans thinks he hates all affection and avoids it like the plague but as soon as he and engie are alone in the workshop together he acts as though they haven’t seen each other in months and Needs to be held Right This Instant smh ://

a bit old but i kept forgetting to post it lmaO this was spot art i made for the promo posts for dnadvalentines!
