#medical students


For those overseas readers who may be unaware, my state of VictoriainAustralia is currently reeling from the recent sudden and very unexpected deaths of 4 relatively new members of the medical profession, 3 psychiatric trainees and 1 medical intern.

After all the hard years of work, all the late nights and early starts, all the near panic attacks and all the post-examination sighs of relief… Something very wrong has occurred and some of our colleagues have fallen along the way. 

Everyone says the first year out is a shock, everyone says how hard it is, how stressful, how defeating… But please, don’t let it defeat you.

If you feel like you might be struggling, do not hesitate to call any number of the help lines available out there. It’s not embarrassing, it’s not shameful and it’s not unexpected; everyone struggles, but don’t let those struggles overcome you. 

Australian residents: 

  • Lifeline: 13 11 14.
  • Suicide Call Back Service: 1300 659 467
  • Men’s Line: 1300 78 99 78
  • Veterans Line: 1800 011 046

Overseas colleagues:
