#mellie logan



Luck be a Lady  (¼)

Devil in a White Dress


The Logan boys have it in their heads a plan to rob the Charlotte Motor Speedway, but in order to do that they need someone with experience in breaking into a high tech vault. In their need, the Logan brothers visit non other than Joe Bang to recruit him into their heist. Problem is, they have to convince him; and knowin’ them Logan boys’ family curse, he ain’t gonna take no chances doing’ this without another professional. They need someone who can get into places and blend in, someone with experience who knows how to improvise and to tie up lose ends….Someone like you.

A short fic that started as a one shot and ended up being a short multi chapter fic, where our sweet boi Clyde, falls for a woman that’s more that what she seems. The question is, can he handle it?

Clyde x Reader

6.8k Words

Warnings: mentions of theft | Reader uses an alias

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 “I almost ruined the take when she said her first lines as Mellie Logan,” says Steven Soderbergh. 

“I almost ruined the take when she said her first lines as Mellie Logan,” says Steven Soderbergh.  I said, ‘Who are you thinking of?’ And she said, ‘Oh, a friend in West Virginia.’

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