#men violence






This is Meredith Emerson.

At age 24, Meredith was hiking in a popular section of the Appalachian Trail when she was abducted and eventually murdered by a waste of oxygen not worth naming. 

Her decapitated body was eventually found in a forest, and her head was recovered several weeks later many miles away. 

The reason I’m sharing this story is because I want you all to know that in 2010, two years after she was killed, Hustler magazine put in an open records request, a legal tool meant to allow citizens access to government records, with the Georgia Bureau of Investigation to receive copies of the photos of the crime scene and of her autopsy.

Put another way: a woman was tragically, violently, murdered by a man, and then other men tried to sell the photos of her naked, dismembered, dead body as porn.

How have the men behind this inhumane, vampiric, woman-hating industry managed to rehabilitate its image so successfully? This was 10 years ago, well within living memory of most millennials. 

I can’t comprehend how someone could convince themselves there is anything but deep, violent, sexualised hatred women at the core of porn.

Like it’s even worse. They’re proud of it. They want to pretend publishing vore of actual woman is a civil rights issue.

This is fucking insidious and evil. Burn it all to the ground and stomp on the ashes.
