

In honor of National Mentoring Month, we asked some of Boston Ballet’s mentors and mentees about their experiences and how this relationship has impacted their lives.

Eve Rounds, Trustee Emerita for Boston Ballet (Mentor) & Andrea Juarez, student at Mount Ida College; Boston Arts Academy and Citydance alumni. (Mentee)

How were you connected?

Eve: Dance is an important part of our relationship as we met when Andrea was a dance major at Boston Arts Academy. I am also a trustee there.  

Andrea:I went to Boston Arts Academy and was a Dance major. My teachers encouraged me to take classes at Boston Ballet, which is where I met my mentor, Eve. After we met, Eve decided to help me by getting me to dance in Johnson, Vermont on a full scholarship.

Why is having a mentee/mentor important to you? 

Eve: I want to share my life lessons and experiences with another student, and guide them towards success. 

Andrea:Having a mentor like Eve opened my eyes to the dance world. She took me into her nest, ruffled my feathers, and allowed me to soar and grow into the independent woman I am today.

What sorts of things do you do with your mentee/mentor?

Eve: We take ballet class together and we discuss issues and ideas around college and summer programs. 

Andrea:We get together and talk about my future with dance, as well as outside of dance. These talks have given me options and possibilities that could alter my life in ways I did not imagine.

How has your mentee/mentor impacted your life? 

Eve: Andrea has shown me what determination and hard work can achieve. She is very respectful and grateful for the support she receives from me, which I truly appreciate. She has helped fellow students who were struggling, showing leadership and empathy.

Andrea:Eve takes on everything with determination and sincerity all at the same time. I am impressed with this balance and strive to live that way as well. By maintaining a positive attitude, I never lose hope in the goals I have set for myself.  I appreciate all of her efforts in helping me to succeed.

Describe your mentee/mentor in 3 words:

Eve: Gracious, thoughtful, generous. 

Andrea: Elegant, attentive, generous.


Toni Geheb, Senior Public Relations Manager (Mentor) & Adam Ouellet, Part-Time Public Relations Assistant (Mentee)

How were you connected? 

Toni: Adam and I started working together when he was hired as a Summer 2015 Public Relations and Social Media Intern. He joined my team at a time of transition in our department, so his ability to learn fast and agility to do whatever was needed was much appreciated. Adam was my lifesaver!

Adam: I began working at Boston Ballet this past summer as a Public Relations Intern. I’m a senior at Holy Cross, studying music and history, and I applied to the internship with Boston Ballet through my college’s Summer Internship Program. Toni was my supervisor throughout my internship experience and now I’m her part-time Public Relations Assistant. 

Why is having a mentee/mentor important to you?

Toni: Mentorship is an essential tool of professional development, both for the mentee and mentor. I have been grateful to have a number of amazing mentors in my professional career and acknowledge the difference it has made in my own personal growth. As a result, it is now my duty to give back, pass on the knowledge that has been given to me, and train and mentor the next generation of arts administrators to the best of my ability.

Adam:While I began my summer internship at Boston Ballet with previous experience working for a small arts nonprofit, making the leap from a small organization to a world-class dance company was a big step. Having a kind, patient, and inspiring mentor like Toni was reassuring. Toni made me feel like an important member of the PR team and now that I’m a part-time employee of the ballet, she still continues to impart her wisdom.

How do you use the arts in your relationship?  Is this an important part of what you do together? 

Toni:Our mutual passion for the arts is the core of our work—it’s what drives us every day! 

Adam: Toni and I share a passion for the arts — especially since we both have prior experience in the performing arts. When I started my internship, I informed Toni that I aspired for a career in arts administration. Throughout my internship, she made sure I was working on projects that catered to my specific interests. As Public Relations Assistant, I’m continuing to hone my skill set for a future career in the arts. 

How has your mentee/mentor impacted your life?

Toni:Investing in a mentee’s future brings tremendous joy and fulfillment to my life. Adam’s enthusiasm to learn, dedication to professional development, and eagerness to contribute to the team is a friendly reminder for myself to take a deep breathe, illuminate the youthful joy and drive that lives within me, and push forward even on the toughest days. Arts marketing can be a grueling profession, but the pride I feel when I have minimal edits to a press release he has drafted, or I hear him on the phone with a journalist, reminds me that I am making an impact in an individual’s life and our industry. It brings even more meaning to the work I do every day.

Adam:Toni’s mentorship has not only given me the confidence to pursue my career, but her guidance has helped inspire other qualities — hard work, attention to detail, and compassion — that will be useful throughout my professional life. Toni doesn’t just assign tasks and make sure I’m on track, but she makes sure I’m working to fulfill my long-term goals — I believe that’s what makes the difference between a good mentor and a greatone.

Describe your mentee/mentor in 3 words:

Toni: Driven, energetic, fearless.

Adam:Passionate, insightful, understanding.

We are grateful to our partner Mass Mentoring Partnership for their work in empowering youth-adult relationships to meet the needs of communities across Massachusetts. For more information visit www.massmentors.org
