

It was proven she defamed him and that the accusations of abuse were false.

…and yet the controversy continues.

That’s it, imagine the gender roles were reversed.

Amber was the one who’s gotten her finger cut off, constantly tried to get away from her abuser, had numerous bruises on pictures and a truckload of witnesses confirmed what a gentle and polite person she was.

Johnny was the one who was taped saying “I didn’t punch you, I HIT you!” & “Go tell the world you’re a victim of domestic abuse and see who believes you!”, constantly stalked her everywhere, wouldn’t stop yelling and fighting, caught in several lies and contradictions.

The case would have been clear right from the start.

But because our society can’t accept an older man being the victim of a younger woman, this whole shitshow started. Believing Amber Turd without any proof, demonizing Johnny. Because it can’t be possible that a woman abuses a man.

Even during the trial and EVEN NOW people and the media can’t admit Johnny has won and is innocent.

No, they continue saying “both kinda lost” or “both are toxic” which is the equivalent to saying “Well, she abused him but he kinda deserved it.”

It really annoys me when people haven’t watched the trial and still have strong opinions like that, because gheez, if you have no idea what has been revealed in the last 6 weeks then STFU!

Sending dark text messages and venting like Johnny did is NOT abuse. He didn’t say it to her, he messaged it to friends. We all have written and said things that were mean and which we regret, that doesn’t mean we’re all abusers.

And did you read Amber’s whiny post on Twitter? Complaining about her first Amendment right of free speech? Sorry Turdy, free speech isn’t about spreading lies out of malice to destroy someone’s life and career.

Btw, real feminism wants equal rights for women AND men.
The backstep for #metoo isn’t Johnny’s fault, if you have to be mad at someone, be mad at Amber.
