#meta humor

This intervention ends as most interventions do: In failure.The final part comes next month and will

This intervention ends as most interventions do: In failure.

The final part comes next month and will be 4 pages long. :o

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sure i may not “read the player’s handbook” or “know what an aasimar is” or “calculate basic math” but im gay, im having fun, and im eating dice so really who cares

aasimar is that thing where you get real close to the microphone and talk right

oh yeah that sounds familiar! thanks!

No, you’re thinking of ASMR. Aasimir is a short sword with a curved blade that broadens toward the point.

No, you’re thinking of a scimitar. Aasimar is is luxury sports car famously driven by James Bond. 

No, you’re thinking of an Aston Martin. Aasimar is the author of the laws of robotics.

No, you’re thinking of Asimov. Aasimar is the scientific term for a monkey or ape. 

No, you’re thinking of the science fiction author. Aasimar is the health condition that affects the lungs and makes it hard to breathe.

No thats asthma, aasimar is the main characters girlfriend in that last airbender spinoff
