#metal af



If you were so inclined to give em a glance or a like on YouTube, Facebook, or Instagram, or just any old sort of love in general it would be greatly appreciated. One love.

I grew up just a stones throw away and spent many summers learning to play and write music with a multi-talented musician in Thomas White, who initially founded Witchpit entirely on his own, performing everything from lyrics and vocals to drums, guitar, bass, and arrangements for the first two singles “Infernal” and “Rain God” in between recording and tours for what was at the time his primary band as the drummer for death metal band - Your Chance To Die.

All the while maintaining a full time career as a machinist, always keeping one foot on the ground while pursuing his passions - his art. And while showed he was capable lyrically and conceptually 1as a songwriter on his own and vocalist while getting the band off the ground, all along his end goal was to focus exclusively on guitar and musical composition.

He quietly chipped away at his side project until it was ready for outside consumption, and finished product of the initial demos were compelling enough to seamlessly recruit other musicians and eventually a truly gifted vocalist and lyrical collaborater to join him in his vision and songwriting.

It’s truly impressive to see what he has done, how savy and adept he has become, what he has learned and taught himself to do beyond the technical aptitude he possesses musically.

Fom the executing of his vision for aesthetics, for having an extensive knowledge of the history and application of the gear and hardware necessary for the desired sound, to the economic side in marketing and management.

The extent of intimate, personal tragedies he endured in such a quick succession in young adulthood was Shakespearen, it’s almost unbelievable - and yet he has somehow remained bewilderingly responsible, resilient, respectable, decent, stable, and well-adjusted.

He’s been in two different bands as a drummer, an amazing drummer, that were signed by respectable labels, until deals fell through for one reason or the other.

Yet he has stayed the course all the same and relentlessly pursued his passions undeterred, and now little by little his dreams are coming closer and closer to becoming fully crystallized. It’s amazing to watch and experience vicariously as a childhood friend who learned to play music along side of he and his brother who is also very much multi-talented himself.
