


I know I never make personal posts on here, but I made something today that I’m really excited about, I’ve been wanting to make a dinosaur like this for a few years now and today it finally happened


Fuck your dream job what’s your dream hobby that you don’t have the means to take up yet. Mine are falconry and aerial acrobatics

Woman of San Sebastian, 1st century Mexico

Woman of San Sebastian, 1st century Mexico

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Fish-shaped box (bidri ware) made of dark zinc alloy with traces of iron and other metals, inlaid scFish-shaped box (bidri ware) made of dark zinc alloy with traces of iron and other metals, inlaid sc

Fish-shaped box (bidri ware) made of dark zinc alloy with traces of iron and other metals, inlaid scales are polished silver alloy.  9.25 inches long

Made in northeastern India (Hyderabad or Lucknow), 19th century

Source:Met Museum

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