

Cinco de Metho!! Celebration Time!!

In only 2 short days it’ll be the greatest holiday of the entire year; Cinco de Metho, which celebrates Mexico officially designating Meth as their gross national product which took them from being a third world nation all the way to becoming the economic powerhouse that they are now.

Mexico went from being nearly the poorest nation, to now being the 134th poorest after deciding to make meth their country’s heart and soul product for export and trade.

Recognizing their achievement, every country world wide designated the 5th of May as a day to celebrate mexico for it’s fine meth production and other cultural aspects that have had a positive influence world wide such as tequila, and the donkey show.

Be sure to smoke plenty of meth to show Mexico your support!!!!

Project One World: Meth Cloud Communitization

In 1983 Ronald Reagan, enlisting the aid of Mikhail Gorbachev, devised a plan for the USA and the USSR to each form a think tank group using their respective nations top minds in several fields.

Each think tank was tasked with finding a way to unite the people of this planet so that we would all be connected all the time.

After 18 months the two groups were brought together and hashed out their individual ideas and then as one group they came up with a plan.

It was speculated that if enough people, all over the world, were to be blowing meth clouds continuously for 96 hours then the meth clouds would have drifted and connected into a world wide unified cloud and also at the point the Earth’s atmosphere would contain a high enough amount of the clouds that everyone would be breathing from basically the same one cloud.

Through a retroviral agent being induced into the cloud, everyone’s genetics would be altered slightly, not noticeable other than the connection of every mind on the planet.

Unfortunately Nancy Regan, decided to launch the war on drugs. And the only thing that came before the nation in Regan’s eyes was whatever Nancy wanted, Nancy gets.

Regan scrapped the project and so it never became a reality .. …

Stimulant Relief Act Update:

As most of you may have already heard, the government is planning to release some form of cash dispersement into the meth sales and purchase system of our economy because of the large scale effect that the, though illegal, huge cash business of meth sales and purchase generates in the overall economic structure.

My sources, whom are directly involved, have informed me that a rough first draft of the possible Act has been drafted by a newly created congressional committee which is being called the “Amethicanological Committee” and here are some things it’s supposed to include:

  • Payouts of $2,400 to individual meth users to aid them in the purchase of meth which causes cash to begin to circulate
  • Any person with court ordered fines, fees or other court assigned costs that were placed due to the person being convicted of a narcotics sales charge for meth shall have the fines forgiven and also any probation or jail time will be resended by the court.
  • A special bond of 3 trillion dollars will be established as a security bond for loans given by financial institutions as small business loans to anyone seeking to open or expand their meth sales business.
  • Payouts to dealers covering any debt owed to them for meth that was fronted out to people and not paid back, as long as the meth dealer agrees to beginning selling to the people whom had owed again.

That’s all the info I’ve got for now but keep checking in for the latest updates.

Government Stimulants Checks:

The government, in an effort to keep the economy from plummeting, issued most Americans one if not two stimulus checks. Despite talks about releasing even more stimulus checks directly to the public, it was distributed in other forms such as tax breaks, unemployment benefits and grants which Congress decided had produced the desired economic boost.

That was until just a few weeks ago when Azazael99, respected financial wizard and top level market analyst appeared before Congress to present his findings in a report he had been asked to complete by Congress earlier this year. The report was to determine economic stability and recommendations on preventing any further issues.

According to several attendees, a few of whom chair congressional committees, it was determined that a large influx of funding was needed in the Meth market. Despite the sale, use and purchase of meth being considered morally wrong by many, and deemed illegal by law, the flow of revenue generated by meth has caused the United States economical structure to become dependant upon it to be able to function and maintain stability.

No arguments could be made that were able to dispute the math and as everyone knows, the numbers don’t lie. Azazael99 predicts a total economic shutdown within 3 months if something isn’t done. After presenting his report, Congress decided to write the emergency relief Stimulants Act and a hearing will be held to write the specifics sometime in the next few days.

Well I hope everyone out there recieved nice big tax return checks. Getting a nice sum of money is always a big perk for those of us whom have to work and pay taxes all year. A nice large tax return always generates feelings of joy and excitement. Such strong feelings in fact that it is very easy to feel temptation and fall into its trap. Many of you may feel tempted to spend your entire wad of cash on things that are foolish and will end up leaving with only regret when you’re broke again. So I decided to post and give some inciteful tips on how to make sure you spend that refund wisely. Check this list of Do’s and Dumbs:


  • Meth. Buy as much as you can and smoke it.
  • Meth pipes. Don’t have to try and use your plumbing torch to weld, fix or re blow old pipes, you got the money now to got get a new supply so stock up.
  • Lighters. Both butane refillable and Bic are very smart purchases to make in bulk because nothing is more frustrating than packing a bowl of shards and then finding out your only lighter is dead when you go to melt it down.
  • Butane . Sometimes you just gotta have that torch lighter power hit so make sure to stock up on butane to keep those torch lighters filled and ready.
  • Meth. I know the first item on this list is Meth, but this is no duplicate error. A few days after you buy your first supply of tax refund meth it is gonna be wise to just go ahead and double down with another score because let’s face it, running out of dope sucks so while you still got a few extra bucks in your pocket go ahead and re up even though you still have a lot.


  • Past Due bills. You haven’t paid them so far so why start now.
  • Previous debt. The places you’ve owed for this long can just take you to collections. Get high.
  • Getting ahead on rent or car payments. Why get ahead when you can get high. Just tell yourself that you’ll get by as long as you’re high.

Well I truly hope all my followers out there get the most from their refunds by following this little list of things to steer to and away from.

How to Recognize That You Have a Meth Addiction Problem:

Symptoms are but are not limited to,

  • No feelings or irresistible desire or urge to use meth several times a day
  • Priorities have become focused towards positive life choices, not meth use
  • You begin to set and achieve goals that take your life in a positive direction
  • Sleeping and eating on a regular schedule
  • Surplus of money lasting between pay days

If you are experiencing these or any other symptoms that take your focus away from frequent meth use then you have a serious problem with your meth addiction and should schedule an appointment immediately with your dealer so they can help you assess the severity of your problem and help to provide you with treatment options and resources.

Door Dashing while smoking meth…

Like pretty much everything in life, Door Dashing while smoking meth is the best way to dash.

Don’t worry about hurrying and rushing to deliver the food. Take your time and enjoy blowing nice thick clouds as you go

Always make sure to backup all your important data to the cloud….and the best way to access the cloud is by blowing it yourself by exhaling nice big hits of life enriching, wholesome meth…

IRS Tax Refunds…

Well it’s refund time and due to the corona virus relief enacted by the government the amounts are going to be a bit higher than normal.

It’s going to be very tempting to use your return money to pay off debt, get ahead a little or to invest in a money market account. DO NOT fall victims to temptation ….Do the smart thing with your money and spend every single penny on meth and then smoke as much meth as fast as possible.


Now that there is a damn fine smoke cloud

I had always taken pride in the smoke clouds I exhales. Thick, rich and dense clouds of glorious meth exhalations. I would often get lost in a dreamy trance as I watched the clouds float off into the vastness of the universe. People would often ask how I was able to produce such wonderful smoke clouds and I didn’t really know, it was something I just did. But I now realize that my secret was that I wasn’t actually making the clouds, I am the clouds. So it’s my love of smoking meth and how I allow meth to bless my life with it’s abundance of glory that cause me to such an amazing plume.

Don’t just smoke meth, smoke a lot of meth. The more meth you smoke, the more miraculous effect it can have on your life. If you smoke a large enough quantity of meth in a short time, you can be transformed into a bird made of flames…

Finally Another Post:

Hey there brother and sister spun monkey tweakers. I know its been awhile since i have posted and was likely going to be awhile more but i happened to read through some of the notes people left on my posts and it really irritated me what a very few of the great many had to say.

First off id just like to thank the vast majority of like 93 % who had good things to say or criticism that actually applied to the post. I can take the negative shit, trust me, the way i dish it out i had better be able to take it back or id be a hypocrite.

I just want to ask that whenever you read anything i post, please dont comment by taking a dictionary definition or the defintion of a term you read on some 12 step pamphlet. For one, in our world and social cultures, words have subtle to very different meanings depending on what area, or group of people you ask, regardless of what the dictionary says. Slang, jargon, vocular variance, are all terms that encompass that idea. Even when scholars are translating ancient texts they have to take the time period and cultural slang into great consideration to come up with a translation that reflects the intention of the document.

Next, read my blog and then tell me you want to argue socially conscious ideals or defend ideals, people or principles i may negate. If you read my blog and you think that it is postings from a mind set in reality rather than fiction then holy fuck i am a far more creative and much more skilled writer than i ever would have imagined. Come on people. . I post my most spundafuckout thoughts and ideas when im spinning on a good one solely for the purpose of entertaining my brethren tweakers just hoping to get a laugh or smile and give them something interesting to think about while they are spun.

Last of all…dont come at me telling me im wrong and an addict by definition is so simple you cant believe i didnt get it. Addict is a label and an excuse that is used to take a persons power over their actions away. An addict has a disease, its not their fault and they cant fight it without treatment…bullshit. i dont care if you get sick, the shakes, delirious tremons, or whatever…if you want to stop doing something and believe you can then you will. Ive seen it with straight junkies droping the tar and never looking back without a meeting or anything. When you beleive the labels society throws on you then you hand over your ability and power to think and act for yourself.

One last important thing and i will wrap this….

Meth loves you and meth has a place and purpose for your life. It only wants to bring happiness and fulfillment to your lives and asks for nothing in return other than you use it so that it can enhance your life… smoke it, snort it, shoot it or hell even turkey baste it if thats how you get down…just dont stop believing in it.

Fasade of Distraction:

There is invisible lines of energy that connect every living person together and also connect us all to a machine, cosmic in nature, that feeds us the lie which is this very world we see as our reality.

If only we were to somehow become disconnected from the projection that we are being fed, fed as a distraction, then we would become aware of the true oppression of our reality. And though shackled we are, we would be able to see the truth and come together as a united species of man and break our bonds and then rise up against God whom holds us within his tightened fist, squeezing out every drop of power he can gain of us. And we could thrash him, bludgeon him and toss his lifeless carcass aside so that as a people united, we would ascend to a higher form of being and possess an elevated state of consciousness. A state elevated enough that we could begin to create our own universes and beings of our own design whom we would shackle and oppress in the false name of worship. Their faith would grow stronger the more oppressive weight we thrust upon their shoulders. The stronger their faith, the greater the power we would gain as we fed upon it which would fuel us towards the next higher form and more elevated state…..or at least thats what i read written in the smoke clouds i blew this morning….i think meth is trying to help mankind grow and evolve. We just need more clouds of prophetic truth. That is why, for the sake of all mankind, i am devoting the entire rest of the weekend to continuous meth smoking so that i can get us much wisdom and truth as i can. I will of course post a full report of all the findings from my research. Any others whom should decide to buckle down for the weekend and smoke meth non stop for the sake of getting some more truth for us all, feel free to send me your findings and i will post them along side my own. The truth is a virus and its time God got infected…

How many grams of meth does it take to screw in a light bulb?

None. Meth doesnt care about light bulbs. Meth is the light.

In a world filled with so much uncertainty, one thing will always remain steady…

Meth; it just makes sense.


Once upon a time…….

There was a young man named William Preston Taylor ther 3rd who would drive a little blue toy motorcycle all across the land stalking girls for months wothouth them ever catching on. Never realizing the numerous times he had been standing at the foot of their beds for hours watching them sleep or the several occasions when they thought someone was in their house and then told theirselves they were being paranoid, that in fact he was in their house watching them.

Then one day he met a guy named dabble who happened to be good friends with azazael99 so he had the best dope. dabble was like “willy taylor. dont be out there stalking them bitches. You are gonna get your ass tossed in prison and ass raped for a few years if you dont stop”. Little william preston taylor the 3rd explained to dabble that he really didnt have anything else to do. Even with 2 degrees, one in agriculture and living in the largest agricultural producing part of the country that he couldnt get a job because nobody was calling him up to offer him jobs. dabble told him he didnt need a job he just needed some meth…then dabble kicked him down a sack and they parted ways. A few weeks later dabble happened across little willy taylor 3 again and talked to him a bit. dabble discovered that the meth had indeed cured the boy of his stalking habit. Now willy was seducing the women into doing some pretty spicy photo shoot sessions and in the few weeks had managed to accumulate hundreds of thousands of very provocative photos of nearly every women in the area. “You were right dabble” “all i needed was meth and i suddenly found myself living a far better life ” dabble was happy to discover that he had been able to help a poor methless soul find his way in life.

Moral of the story is that without meth your a creepy weirdo but with meth your a creepy weirdo spun out and around naked chicks all the time…

Smoke meth and naked chicks just fall from the sky.

Supermans Glass Pipe:

One day a friend of mine were taking apart an old industrial microwave. And we found a strange glass tube inside depth we decided to make into a glass pipe.. But when we try to use map gas and a plumber’s torch to blow the pipe we were unable to do so so we had to use a welding torch to blow it. A bic would not provide enough heat to blaze a bowl so we got us a couple of good torch lighters from the smoke shop and started ripping bowls. The following day while climbing the outside stairway to the second floor of an apartment building, my buddy dropped the pipe and it hit every single concrete stair making a ‘tink’ sound each time. It landed on the ground floor sidewalk and rolled all the way to the curb where it fell into the gutter. I ran down to it quickly. My heart was racing with worried concern and fear. When i reached the pipe and picked it up, not so much as a scratch was on it. My buddy was like “wtf?” To which i replied “ its superman’s glass pipe” Its funny that i dont seem to recall what became of that pipe after that day. Perhaps it caught up with the justice league or sits in the fortress of solitude next to supermans meth stash. Superman doesnt need a lighter because he can use heat ray vision to smoke his dope.

Me and My Smoke Cloud:

It was about two years ago and i had just finished glorifying the glass pipe with a nice .5 gram bowl to test out the new batch. In took in a nice even long breathe? Inhaling the meth vapor. Got to the end of my inhale and managed one last little tug with my lung, ensuring the hit was getting the maximum capacity of my lungs worth of meth.

I could feel it was good as i exhaled. The cloud i blew was dense, rich and had the perfect plume. I watch as the cloud drifted a few feet away and then suddenly darkened and begin pouring rain and little lightning flashed with thunder following.

“Hey, wtf ? Your not that kind of cloud. Youre a meth cloud.” The cloud immediately returned to normal and the answered back “ sorry man, this was some good shit cuz i done forgot what kind of cloud i was just 2 seconds outta the lung”

I thought what a stupid cloud, not being able to even remember what it is as i tucked the pipe in the feathers under my wing and flew off towards a flock of geese headed south for the season.

The lesson i learned was if you ever get so high you forget your a human and think your a goose, dont suddenly remember at 2000ft in the air because it feels more like the ground hits you than it does you hitting the ground.

Sometimes it feels like just day to day life is making the struggle to keep our meth addiction harder. Just the way there are all these stupid things that pull time away we could be spending smoking meth.

Grocery shopping, laundry, taking out the trash, washing the car and then theres work. Work takes up hours and hours of time from our addiction. If you can get by without a job then do it.

6:30 am is only a few minutes away…

This is the time to start your day with a nice, healthy bowl of breakfast meth.

If you start your day off with meth then you start your day off right

I once had a glass pipe that i used for almost 2 years. I never cleaned it, just put a torch to the bowl every now and then. The layer of soot residue became so thick and hard that one day a small piece of the bowl was broke out and i could still smoke out it long enoungh to finish the bowl. It cracked irreparable at the last of the bowl so i pronounced it dead. I constructed a small coffin made of wood and the velvet from a jewelry box to line it. Used my dremel to cut and engrave a small flat piece of granite into a tombstone and then buried in the family plot at the cemetery.

I posted this because i just randomly started thinking about that glass pipe today. Which made me realize that the dead never really do leave us completely. The times we had and fond memories do live on with us.

Almost got caught by boredom earlier:

i too have become prey set in boredoms sights…i had entered the internet on the western borders of the social media mountains, where it meets the oceans of live streams. i was with a small party of fellow adventures and we were making our way north in search of a challenging pvp tournament when boredom attacked our group. boredom tore through us like paper dolls. i alone escaped but i can feel it watching from the shadows waiting to strike. i have heard of a hidden trail beyond the youtube deserts in the forests of wikipedia that has safe passage .

Then i remembered i had meth….bye bye boredom

Spectrum Internet: Its really fucking fast; when it works.

Luckily meth is not like spectrum internet, waving its high speed glory like a giant neon sign only to be constantly not working due to outages.

Dont let spectrum internet fuck your day off. Smoke high speed meth. No data caps and unlimitied bandwidth

Ok so now the voices have made friends and started hanging out where ever the other voices live almost all the time. It has given me quite a bit of peace and quiet but i feel really weird about my voices being in someone elses head. Especially when i dont know who it is. Anyone else ever have this happen?

Pertaining to Meth; an addict and a user are not the same thing. Both have an addiction but an addict carries the weight of guilt thrown on him by family, friends and society whom constantly judge him and chip away his self value. A user just uses meth and doesnt allow his opinion of himself to be affected by others. Be a meth user even if it means just cutting people who dont use out of your lives.

Meth Bong Fluids:

Does using liquids or additives other than water serve any purpose beyond aesthetics?

Tonight on our investigative series we ask that question to experts whom have been doing studies and claim to have the answers.

We also were able to discuss this with world renowned methisicist Phd dr azazael99 whom had some very astonishing findings from his recently concluded study and published report.

Make sure to tune in and find out what should wet your bong.

Smoke clouds speak louder than words.


A word often heard used by Mary Poppins after she finished poppins a shard in her pipe and exhaling a nice thick cloud.

Mary poppins would often use a meth bong and enjoyed using sweet juices like apple or white grape instead of water. She refered to this as ‘a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"

Meth: giving ordinary people extraordinary lives.

Meth Use: the fun only stops if you do.

Only use meth if you want to better than you are now and enjoy things like fun, happiness and absence of bad things in life.

Do not use meth if you want to suffer.
