#metroid prime 3 corruption

Well if you haven’t noticed by now, my days of Tambl’n are behind me. The site got weird and incompa

Well if you haven’t noticed by now, my days of Tambl’n are behind me. The site got weird and incompatible with my computer/browser, it would frequently crash mid-post, yatta yatta, i just wasnt having fun here anymore. Sure, i’ll still continue to drop by now and then to like the occasional picture, but don’t expect any more original posts from me. At least, not on here. All my usual antics have just switched over to my Instagram page where they continue to this very day. That’s https://instagram.com/clashbomb/ I post way more there than I ever did here, so if you’re into toys, video games, anime; any of that cool stuff, just drop on by. I’d be very happy to hear from you.

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