#mexican fashion

Solo en  Enighet  encontrarás bolsas y accesorios únicos e irrepetibles; cada pieza que adquieras seSolo en  Enighet  encontrarás bolsas y accesorios únicos e irrepetibles; cada pieza que adquieras se

Solo en  Enighet  encontrarás bolsas y accesorios únicos e irrepetibles; cada pieza que adquieras será imposible de recrear, ya que solo se realiza una vez. ¿No te encanta la idea? ¡sabemos que si! Visita su página y encuentra tu bolsa favorita

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Carla Fernández Casa de Moda: A Mexican Fashion ManifestoNow at the Denver Art Museum is the work ofCarla Fernández Casa de Moda: A Mexican Fashion ManifestoNow at the Denver Art Museum is the work of

Carla Fernández Casa de Moda: A Mexican Fashion Manifesto

Now at the Denver Art Museum is the work of fashion designer Carla Fernández who is based in Mexico City. She has created what she calls the Taller Flora mobile laboratory in order to travel around her country and meet with artisans and create with them her clothing line. The curators tell us that the show “explores how the design house links ancient and contemporary techniques.”

You see her in the first photo in one of her own creations and then three of her models in the next photo. The gallery space itself was designed by Pedro Reyes designed the gallery, so that the clothing is part of a larger space with sculpture, architecture, video and photography.

For more information on visiting, go here: https://www.denverartmuseum.org/en/exhibitions/carla-fernandez

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