

InkOctober 2021 Day 27: Zatz, Prince of Bats

Maya and the Three quickly became one of my favorite series! It was a nostalgic journey to my past, when my obsession with mythology and culture began: Mesoamerican Mythology.

I used to walk through the Zocalo of my city, speaking of how Tenochtitlan came to be, how it was and how it fell. From then on, that passion only grew stronger until that love I had was killed by an abussive teacher.

That’s a long story for another day, but I want you to know this series brought back so many sweet memories from my childhood here, in Mexico.

Gracias Jorge por regresar…


He’s making another movie!!!!!

It would be cool if it ties into the Maya and the three and Book of Life universe, like if Xibalba or Lord Mitclan were in charge of some cool underworld secret illegal wrestling place


Happiness is Jorge Gutierrez noticing and sharing the dumb memes you make of his content.
