#mgg characters


archaeology//spencer reid

summary:Reader is a forensic archaeology student working on a case when she meets Spencer and finds herself both confused and interested in him.

relationship: Fem!Reader x Spencer Reid (season 5)

content warnings: mentions of death, crime scene, that’s it! this is really just flufflol.

request: Could you perhaps write something about a fem archeology student (in her early 20s) specializing in forensic archeology coming to work on a crime scene the BAU has to investigate and finds herself liking a soft Spence a bit too much?

word count:1.8k

A/N: me vs finding any opportunity to write s5 spence with a cane lmao this is short but i wanted to write fluff last night and i loved this concept so much!! also short disclaimer that i don’t know anything about forensic archaeology so i only did a little research but if anything is off/incorrect, i’m sorry!!


the California air is drier than usual as you step out of the SUV. it smells like heat and dust. you shield your eyes, making your way toward the crowd of FBI agents and police officers hovering over the crime scene. your partner (and glorified chaperone) gets out the other side to join you.

“ready?” she slides a pair of sunglasses on. Emma is more of an advisor than anything else. you’re still studying forensic archaeology and she’s been done with school for a couple years now, but the field experience has been more than helpful. plus, you’re excited about being able to work closely with the FBI.

you’re thinking about this when she puts her hand on your shoulder and pushes you forward a bit. “let’s go, Y/N.”

you nod and follow her to meet everyone. it’s easy to differentiate the feds from the officers and other field professionals, just because of the casual attire of the former. they also tend to harbor a certain cockiness that comes across in their posture.

“Deputy Rourke, I’m Emma Sanderson with the forensic archaeology unit,” your partner approaches a man in a suit jacket who is just finishing talking to two of the FBI agents. she extends her hand to shake. “this is my partner, Y/N Y/L/N.”

Rourke glances up and shakes Emma’s hand, then yours when you greet him. he seems tired as he relays you on the events of the case. your gaze begins to wander a bit to the actual scene of the crime, where a shallow grave of bones is marked off. it seems relatively untouched, which is good for your professional purposes.

the man in charge leads you both over to get a better look and get into the evidence, but you start to feel eyes on your back. peeking around, your gaze locks on a lanky man standing a bit further off. he’s tall, though you can tell he’s putting a considerable weight on the cane he carries. it’s one of the FBI agents Rourke was talking to before Emma interrupted.

his hair is a little long and hangs around a face with sharp cheekbones and deep eyes. those eyes aren’t staring at you, really. it’s more like he’s trying to make something of your job, as if he can’t discern your purpose just yet.

this doesn’t matter, however, as Emma clears her throat loudly and points to the shallow grave.

“care to stop eye-fucking?” her tone is matter-of-fact and it sends heat to your cheeks.

“i wasn’t–”

she looks up at you from her crouched position by the evidence and dares you to continue. you’re here to do a job, not bicker about odd FBI agents that look like ghosts.

the intense heat causes you to sweat uncomfortably as you work the scene. together, the two of you document the state of the grave and first impressions before moving onto its contents.

throughout the experience, you wonder how long the FBI will stick around. surely there can’t be much for them to do here– Rourke informed you that they’re from the behavioral analysis unit.

as you’re trying to figure out what kind of instrument was used to dig up the grave, a shadow falls over both you and Emma. something in your body already knows who it is. she sighs impatiently and you both turn your faces up to see the man from earlier. the harsh sun behind him creates a sort of halo around his curls. up close, his features seem only more intriguing. hazel eyes flit from the tools at your feet to your expression.

“forensic archaeologists?” he enunciates the title with confidence. you note the strangely intricate design on the head of the cane. peeking out from beneath his hand, there’s an almost antique quality to the carvings.

“how’d you know?” you frown.

“you’re examining the sediment, right?” his tone carries some excitement, which you find both unexpected and refreshing.

“yes.” this time, Emma answers for you. she seems slightly annoyed with this man’s question.

“any ideas?” he probes. you’re reminded that he’s likely just trying to gather information for the profile they’re working on. you look down at the bleached bones for a moment as you recall the conclusions you’ve already drawn.

“whoever did this was using a shovel– probably in a hurry, too, judging by the messy gouge marks around the edges,” you point a gloved finger to the perimeter of the grave. “we’re still unsure of why the grave is here, though. it’s kind of out of the way, even for a homicide.”

“that’s my job, though, isn’t it?” he gives you something of a crooked smile. it’s surprising, really, to see the friendliness of his expression as he talks to you. even with the little field work you’ve done, any FBI interactions you’ve had have been curt and strictly professional exchanges. not that this isn’t professional– it just doesn’t feel as forced.

“i suppose.” you smile back.

once again to your surprise, the man bends down to examine the scene more closely. he leans heavily on the cane. “would you mind if i watched your excavation process?”

your brow furrows involuntarily and you give him a funny look. even Emma seems taken aback by this, which he notices and quickly amends. “sorry, i’m just quite interested in this part.” a blush spreads through his cheeks. you find it endearing. he’s curious.

“why?” the word tumbles from your lips with more of an edge than you intended. you’re just fascinated, if not a little thrown, by his interest.

“it’s such a delicate procedure and i haven’t had the opportunity to watch it at other crime scenes.” he speaks somewhat quickly, suddenly self-conscious of how we’re perceiving him.

“what’s your name?” i blurt before i lose the window of opportunity. if he’s going to be observing the scariest part of my job, then i want to at least know his name.

“Dr. Spencer Reid.” that small smile returns, eyes locking onto yours again. there’s a kindness in the gesture that reminds you of fresh-cut grass. he’s got a sunlit energy to him that contrasts whatever ghostliness you first witnessed.

“pleasure to meet you, Dr. Reid,” you withhold questions about such an advanced title at his age. he probably gets them all the time. “I’m Y/N Y/L/N.”

Emma clears her throat again and you’re reminded that she’s there. “and this is my partner, Emma Sanderson.”

“nice to meet you.” he gives her a polite look.

“you can watch us excavate if you don’t talk.” she raises an eyebrow at him, then shoots a look over at you. it’s obvious she thinks you’re distracted, but can she really blame you?

“i can do that.” he promises, then steps back to give the two of you some space.

now that he’s watching officially, it takes every ounce of willpower to keep your hands from shaking as you go over the strict rules of excavating. you can still hear your first professor in the field emphasizing how important it is to do this part right– one wrong move and you’ve not only jeopardized the scene, but also whatever conclusions might have been drawn from it. it could ruin the investigation if it’s a big enough mistake.

so you’re hyper aware of Emma’s leading technique, aware of Dr. Reid’s clinical attention to it. almost like being tested.

true to his word, the observer doesn’t interrupt with any questions about the process. instead, he rests patiently at the side until you straighten up from the ground and take a deep breath. your knees are screaming from being crouched so long, so you stretch. time passes differently during these; what feels like five minutes could well be thirty. it doesn’t help that the entire grave will need to be dug up later. the sets of bones poking out of the dirt prove there are at least two other bodies here, but that’s a job for tomorrow.

“that’s it, Einstein.” Emma gives him a pointed look. he takes it in stride, nodding.

“thanks.” he can obviously sense the dismissive energy from her and his eyes travel briefly to the plastic bag you’re zipping shut before thinking better of sticking around.

you watch him go, that narrow frame shifting to head back up to meet his colleague, when your voice surprises you. “Dr. Reid?”

he stops in his tracks. for a second, you swear his grip on the cane tightens before he faces you again. “yes?”

even though you can practically feel Emma burning holes in the back of your head, you jog to catch up with him on the hill. “how interested are you in this whole forensic archaeology business?” your question carries an undercurrent that you hope he catches.

“well, I’m familiar with the basics, but–” he pauses and meets your eye. his teeth tug his bottom lip thoughtfully as he decides how to respond. you’re absolutely intrigued by everything about him. “well, i’m always looking for new things to learn.”

“i’d be willing to enlighten you a bit further, if you’d like,” you place the offer on the table before you can talk yourself out of it. “strictly professional, of course.”

his eyebrows rise a bit at the way you speak, though you catch him nod. he’s a little unsure for a moment. “yes– yeah, that would be great.”

you break into a grin. “great.” the thought of seeing him again sends a jolt of childish excitement through your veins.

“um,” he starts to fumble around his jacket pockets for a moment before pulling out a cream-colored business card. Dr. Spencer Reid, Behavior Analysis Unit is printed in serious letters, accompanied by the official FBI insignia to make it all the more intimidating. he hands it over with slender fingers. “here.”

“thanks.” you peer up at him from the words and see the ghost of a smile on his face. like he’s holding back.

“you’re welcome. call anytime– i’m at the office more often than not.” he lets out a small laugh.

“will do.” you run your fingertips over the business card delicately, grateful to have discarded those latex gloves from earlier. a silence falls between the two of you for a second before he inhales.

“right. i’ll see you, then.” he turns again and heads up the hill, slowly but surely disappearing from your line of sight.

it’s a strange place to feel this way. kind of inappropriate, honestly. you justify it with the professional aspect of helping his unit.

“done flirting?” Emma’s voice nearly jolts you out of your skin. you jump and turn to her, sliding the card into your back pocket before she can find something else to tease you about.

“sorry. i just had a question about the BAU.”

“uh huh,” she nods knowingly. “well, maybe you can invite him to watch our next excavation. this was your best one yet.”

this news makes you beam. “really?”

“really,” she relents and smiles a bit. “now let’s get going. it’s way too hot out.”

a/n:i was thinking about making this into a part 2 with smut?? idk it really depends on demand bc i don’t wanna write it if people don’t want it but maybe!
