#miami vice


A Miami Vice Fic: Free Falling

Summary: This story will revolve around the Sonny Burnett story arc, and is Sonny & Trudy centric. The main players will remain the same, but I am taking artistic liberties with the storyline. This will be a ‘Dark Sonny’ fic, and he’s found an obsession with Trudy. The show made Dark Sonny redeemable, I may not. You have been warned. If you have ideas of how you think Sonny should be or shouldn’t be, I do not care. This is my story, and I will write it how I want it.

Rating: M

Warning: Sexual Content, Adult Language



“Hey, talk to me,” Tubbs spoke out to his partner who sat nervously beside him as they sped down the freeway. “You worried about tonight?”

“Yeah,” Trudy admitted freely as she looked ahead where she watched the traffic buzzing by. “This is the first real case since … Well, you know,” She ended her words abruptly because she knew it was a difficult subject. Something that hit everyone in their precinct hard, but Tubbs more than anybody.

“Yeah, I know,” Tubbs gulped down the lump that tried to form in his throat. He forced himself to not think about those woes and instead keep his head in the game. After weeks of undercover work, he had finally gotten an invite to one of Oscar Carrera’s parties. Carrera was one of the biggest, if not the biggest smuggler in Miami. No agency had ever been able to infiltrate his organization to gather anything to bring him down. Tubbs hoped to change that. “Tonight is just a way for us to get a foot in the door of Carrera’s organization. We’re not cops tonight, Trudy. We’re just party-goers.”

“How do we not be cops? We’re just supposed to turn a blind eye to all criminal activities?” She asked.

“Yeah, those are the instructions from the higher-ups. This is the closest we’ve ever gotten to Carrera. So, the mission for tonight is to just get in and try to get an introduction with the man himself. I’ve already built a rapport with Miguel Carrera, Oscar’s son. He’s just a snot-nosed punk trying to play like he’s big and bad to impress his father. But the few times I’ve met with him he shared his ideas on how he plans to run his father’s business once he’s taken over. And the dude had some pretty brilliant ideas too.”

“You seem impressed,” Trudy said and Tubbs shook his head to the idea.

“More like scared,” He replied. “If Miguel was ever to implement any of the ideas he shared with me, I don’t think all the police in Dade County, the state of Florida even, would be able to bring down his operation.


“Yes, seriously, so I want to make sure we bring him down right along with his father,” Tubbs said.

“Well, I’ve got your back and I’ll do whatever it takes,” Trudy promised. “So, tonight I’m not Trudy from Vice. I’m Trudy Hostess extraordinaire. The top girl at 'your’ club, that’s just a front for a low-key drug operation,” She said as she smiled at Tubbs, who smiled back while he kept his eyes on the road ahead.

“Hopefully, after tonight it won’t be so low-key. I know Miguel is definitely interested in what he’s seen. And he’s cocky enough that even if his father turns me away, I’ll keep Miguel on the hook,” Tubbs stated as he drove them up to the huge guarded gates of a massive mansion. Tubbs handed the invitation Miguel had given him a few days before to the guard at the gate. “Rico Ortiz and my plus one, Trudy Jackson,” The guard checked the invitation and then looked from Tubbs over to Trudy, who flashed him a sweet smile while she wiggled her fingers in greeting. The guard turned and nodded to the other man inside their guard station, who opened the gates for them. The guard then handed the invitation back to Tubbs and waved them on through.


An hour later


The party was a grand event. Nothing that required fancy attire but it was very apparent that everyone there had money. Tubbs and Trudy had both recognized the faces of several Hollywood celebrities, some star athletes, and even a few politicians. Tubbs had managed to get introductions to other big-balling drug dealers, who would make great busts if he couldn’t get Oscar Carrera. But he was yet to meet the big man, who had yet to make an appearance at his own party. Trudy played her part well as she stayed stuck to Tubbs’ hip. She giggled, charmed, and flirted. She instantly captivated every man around her.

The quieting of the big band that played on the large stage house in the middle of the huge ballroom, garnered everyone’s attention. Both Trudy and Tubbs turned to see that Oscar Carrera had entered. His son Miguel stood to his left and a slender, pretty blonde, who Tubbs knew was his wife, Celeste, stood at his right side.

“Thank you all for coming to my little party,” Carrera senior spoke out as he was then handed a flute of champagne, which he raised in a toast. “Please enjoy the music, food, and spirits,” He then gulped some of his drink and the music started up again, as Carrera began to mingle. Tubbs grasped Trudy about her waist and start dancing to the slow-paced music playing, all while he kept his eyes on Carrera. He saw when Miguel leaned in and whispered something to his father, and then noticed Miguel was making his way over to where they danced.

“I think it’s game time,” Tubbs whispered and then leaned down and placed a kiss on Trudy’s bare shoulder. She threw her head back and laughed a little putting up the pretense that he had said something funny to her.

“Rico, my friend,” Miguel Carrera greeted as he stepped up to them. “I’m glad you were able to make it.”

“I was able to finish my business early,” Tubbs replied as he partially released Trudy, but kept his left arm around her waist. Miguel appreciatively leered and smiled at Trudy, which prompted Tubbs to make introductions. “Miguel, I’d like you to meet Ms. Trudy Jackson,” Miguel grasped the hand Trudy has raised to him, and he kissed it. “She’s one of the lovely ladies who work for me. I thought I’d bring her along to maybe stir up more interest in my 'other’ business venture.”

“Oh, I guarantee she most definitely will,” Miguel declared as he held Trudy’s gaze and hand still. “You are without a doubt the most beautiful woman in this entire room Ms. Trudy.”

“Thank you,” She responded and said nothing more as she gently pulled her hand from his grasp.

“Were you able to discuss my business proposition to your father yet?” Tubbs asked instantly recapturing Miguel’s attention.

“Yes, I have and he has asked me to come to get you and bring you to his office right now to have further discussions. I do really hate to leave you on your own, Ms. Trudy but this is a very private meeting.”

“Hey, just wait at the bar for me, all right, baby?” Tubbs spoke this and leaned in and placed a quick kiss on Trudy’s cheek. Then he released her and turned to follow Miguel’s lead. Trudy turned and made her way to the bar that took up an entire wall. She didn’t like the idea of Tubbs going in alone but knew what her role was on this case and so she leaned against the bar and ordered a dry martini.

He had slipped into the party a few minutes before Carrera had. As the new head of security, he wanted to see for himself if there were any potential threats to his new boss. He did a quick sweep and felt confident that no one there was brassy enough to do anything stupid. Carrera had already told him he was being paranoid as everyone of any importance were people who worked for him and knew better than to try anything. Still, Carrera had been impressed with just how seriously Sonny Burnett was taking his job. Carrera told Sonny that tonight he wanted him to relax and enjoy himself. Sonny had no intentions of following those orders. That was until he noticed the black beauty in the blood-red Hervé Léger off-the-shoulder bandage dress, which clung to her body in ways that made Sonny envious. She wore her hair up topped with a mass of big curls, with a couple effortlessly toppled out to caress her perfectly gorgeous face. He noticed that she had managed to match her red lipstick and red stiletto shoes precisely to her dress. He circled the edge of the room, sticking close to the walls, hidden in the shadows of the enormous crowd nearly overflowing from the room. He stalked her movements as she walked to the bar, completely disregarding Miguel and the man who had just been holding this Enchantress. He headed to the bar and planted himself to the far right of where she stood sipping at her drink. Sonny stood enthralled and mesmerized by her every movement. Something about her called to him and he frown a moment as he tried to recall if he had ever met her or seen her before. He was sure he hadn’t but everything in him screamed that he had. It took him a moment to recognize that calmness had settled over him as he watched her. A calmness that had eluded him ever since he awoke in that hospital bed weeks back.

Trudy stilled as she raised her drink to take another sip. The hairs on her arms and the back of her neck stood up. She felt like suddenly she had a spotlight on her, and she knew it wasn’t due to the men who conspicuously eyed her and smiled as they greeted her in a friendly manner as they passed. What she felt now she could only imagine was how prey might feel when it knew a predator was close by, even if they couldn’t see it. She then lifted her eyes from her drink and casually turned to her right. She glanced about until she locked her eyes onto a shocking sight, and she nearly dropped her drink as her mouth fell open to allow her gasp to escape. She must be hallucinating she told herself as she stood locked eye-to-eye with a man who was supposed to be dead.

Sonny found he couldn’t look away even when he could see that his staring had unnerved her. Then she looked up and looked right at him, and that’s when he saw it. Some spark of recognition in her eyes. He grabbed up the drink he had ordered and then made his way down the length of the bar until he stood toe-to-toe with his Nubian Enchantress. “I know it is probably gonna sound like I’m not even trying,” He spoke out with his most charming smile. “But have we met before?” Trudy found she couldn’t speak as her mind reeled over the fact that Sonny Crockett was alive and standing before her. She almost forgot herself and forgot that she was on the job, and was about to ask him what had happened to him and where he had been. She stopped herself deducting that Sonny was still undercover, deep cover apparently since he hadn’t contacted anyone and allowed them to think he was dead. She closed her mouth and swallowed down the dryness. She then shook her head slightly as she forced a kind smile to her lips.

“I thought maybe I knew you when you were standing over there, but now that I have a closer look no, I don’t think I’ve ever had the pleasure. I’m Trudy Jackson,” She finally replied as she held out her hand and her words and action garnered a wide toothy grin from Sonny. Instead of shaking her hand as she had envisioned, he grasped it and kissed it in the same way Miguel Carrera had. Except for this time, she didn’t feel an overwhelming need to wash her hand.

“Sonny Burnett,” Sonny replied as he kept a gentle grasp on her hand. Suddenly the lyrics being sung by the man standing on the stage rang in Sonny’s ears and made him smile more. “Would you care to dance, Trudy? And I swear I didn’t ask him the play that song,” He tossed on as he was already moving them to the floor, not awaiting Trudy’s answer. She bunched her brow a little as she allowed him to lead her onto the floor, while she listened to the smooth tenor male voice singing. When she finally recognized what song it was, she giggled a little.

“I’ve never seen you looking so lovely as you did tonight,

I’ve never seen you shine so bright,

I’ve never seen so many men ask you if you wanted to dance,

They’re looking for a little romance, given half a chance,

And I have never seen that dress you’re wearing,

Or the highlights in your hair that catch your eyes,

I have been blind;

The lady in red is dancing with me, cheek to cheek,

There’s nobody here, it’s just you and me,

It’s where I want to be,

But I hardly know this beauty by my side,

I’ll never forget the way you look tonight;”

When Trudy was pressed close to Sonny, she lowered her voice as she spoke to him, “What are you doing here Sonny?” She broke cover unable to contain her curiosity any longer.

“Well, I work here,” He answered with such ease and assurance that Trudy leaned back until she could see his face. “I’m Mr. Carrera’s head of security,” He continued mistaking the confused look on her face as one of wonderment. Trudy stiffened a little as she realized at that moment that this man holding her was not Sonny Crockett her friend and fellow cop, and he had no idea who she was. He felt her go rigid and assumed it was due to Carrera’s name and reputation. “You don’t have to be afraid of me. I’m not gonna bite you. Well, not unless you asked me to,” He said and Trudy couldn’t stop the chuckle at his words, which was totally something Crockett would say to her.

“I’m not afraid of you,” She countered and was only half lying. Though what she felt was more concern than fear.

“Good, so will you take a walk with me out on the backgrounds. This house sits on an incredible bay. Also, it’s getting too crowded in here and I’m dying for a smoke,” He stated in the hopes to make her feel more comfortable with the idea, and didn’t think that he planned to take her outside and then kidnap her. Even if it was a fleeting thought in his mind.

“I came here with someone,” Trudy stated as she shot her eyes to where she last saw Tubbs.

“Your boyfriend or husband?” Sonny asked even if he didn’t really care, it wouldn’t deter him one bit.

“Oh, no, my boss and we’re just friends,” She answered hurriedly. She didn’t know why it bothered her that he thought she was in some romantic entanglement, but it did. “And I don’t want him worrying about me if he comes back and can’t find me.”

“We’ll only be gone a few minutes,” Sonny stated and then he waved over one of the many guards stationed in every corner of the room, his foot soldiers as he called them. The guard who towered over both of them stood before them and awaited Sonny’s commands. “What’s your boss’s name?”

“Rico Ortiz, he’s in a meeting with your boss,” Trudy supplied.

“Tony, when Mr. Ortiz returns from his meeting with the boss man, please inform him that Ms. Trudy will be right back and she’ll meet him at the bar.”

“You got it, Mr. Burnett,” Tony said with a nod which Sonny returned.

With that taken care of Sonny tugged at Trudy’s hand which he had yet to relinquish and she let herself be steered to the floor to ceiling glass doors on the opposite side of the room.

“But I hardly know this beauty by my side,

I’ll never forget the way you look tonight;

I never will forget the way you look tonight…

The lady in red, the lady in red,

The lady in red, my lady in red,

I love you…”

Once outside they scrolled for a few minutes across the lush, green, intricately manicured lawn without saying anything. Trudy’s hand still firm in Sonny’s grasp. They stopped when they reached a massive dock that housed several different sized boats, each impressive in its own right. Sonny finally let go of her hand and then reached into his pocket, pulled out his cigarettes and lighter, then lit up and took a puff.

“So, Trudy, what do you do?” Sonny asked as he blew out smoke from the left side of his mouth while he squinted his left eye to shield off the burning smoke.

“I’m a hostess at a Gentlemen’s Club called 'Member’s Only’,” She said matter-of-fact and Sonny scowled up a little at hearing this. She could see disappointment and even slight disgust on his face. “And before you get the wrong ideas, I do mean that is all I do at the club,” She swore she saw him sigh out his relief. “Rico, my boss, he runs a pretty classy place. Sure, some of the girls are paid to entertain the clientele with lapdances, and most will go on 'dates’ with them to make some extra cash. But I don’t turn my nose up at them for it if that’s what they want to do.”

“But not you?” He questioned almost in an accusatory tone.

“No, not me. I’m just the hostess like I said. I welcome and seat the customers and run the register. I pretty much manage what goes on in the front side of the business, and I’m paid well to do it without questions,” She replied as she glared a little at him. “I’m not a stripper or a whore, so if that’s what you brought me out here for, then I won’t waste any more of your time,” She said this as she began to move from the docks and back up to the party, but Sonny shot his right arm out and wrapped it loosely about her waist. Somehow she knew that he wouldn’t just let her walk away, and was relieved that he had stopped her.

“I’m not looking to pay you for any kind of services, Trudy,” He spoke through a smirk. He believed that she wasn’t the kind of woman to turn tricks. He didn’t know why he felt like he knew her already, but he was positive that there was a connection between them. “In fact, I would like to take you to dinner tomorrow night,” He said as she arched a brow at his brazenness and smiled a little.

“I work tomorrow night,” She countered as she stepped back from his hands and crossed her arms across her chest. Sonny chuckled at the playfulness he saw in her eyes. He knew she wouldn’t make it easy for him but he was a persistent s.o.b.

“Then how about breakfast?”

“I work very late and tend to sleep in late.”

“Me too, but I’m willing to make an exception for you,” He proclaimed as he flicked the cigarette he hadn’t really been smoking into the bay and then stepped closer to her. “All right, will you have lunch with me then?” She was silent for a second as she looked directly into his eyes which were locked onto hers. She could see that there was no hint of recognition there, and that made her worry for him. She knew she would do whatever she could to help him.

“I can do a lunch date, but be forewarned I am not a salad eating kind of girl, I like meat and potatoes. So, don’t forget your wallet,” She teased as she smiled prettily at him and Sonny thought she was really breathtaking. He shook his head to clear his thoughts

“Then you’re definitely my kind of girl, Ms. Trudy,” He stated. “Where do I pick you up at?”

“You don’t,” She replied coolly and he smirked and arched his brows in reply. “But you can meet me at the Miami Beach Boardwalk and we can find a restaurant when we get there. Is 1 good for you?”

“Anytime you want is fine with me, darlin.”

“All right, then it’s a date,” Trudy said innocently and her words made his entire face light up.

“Oh, is it now?” He asked and before she could correct her statement a heavyset man walked up out of the darkness.

“Mr. Burnett, Mr. Carrera needs you out at the southside garage,” The man spoke and Sonny scowled at his words.

“What the hell is he doing over there?”

“He wants to go for a ride and wants you to accompany him.”

“Hell, did he forget he has a party raging inside?” Sonny barked out and the other man seemed to sense it was a rhetorical question because he didn’t respond. “Take Ms. Trudy safely back up to the party,” He instructed and the man nodded.

“It’s just right there, Sonny, I can manage,” Trudy spoke out but Sonny continued speaking as if he hadn’t even heard her.

“Don’t let her out of your sight until she has arrived back inside, and back to her 'friend’ Mr. Rico Ortiz, all right?” Sonny commanded and the other man nodded and waited for Trudy to start moving. Sonny now focused back onto Trudy. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Trudy,” He then took her hand, lifted it to his lips, kissed her knuckles while staring heatedly into her eyes. He then turned and disappeared into the same darkness the other man had emerged from.

“This way, Ms. Trudy,” The man waved a hand towards the mansion. After glancing back to where Sonny had gone, she moved back to the house. She was anxious to tell Rico about what had happened.


Song: 'Lady in Red’ by Chris De Burgh


After the Party


“Yeah, I really think Oscar Carrera is gonna take the bait on this one. His eyes lit up like a Christmas tree when I told him about how I traffic through my legit club,” Tubbs stated as he drove them back to the Gentlemen’s Club where Castillo, Gina, and Switek had decided to meet up for their debriefing. Given how big this case was and how powerful Carrera was, they didn’t want to risk being tailed. They had to keep their cover at all times. “Hey,” He finally shot a glance to Trudy who stared at the dashboard half listening to him, and half thinking about seeing Sonny. She had opted to wait until they had arrived at the club to say anything. She knew if she had mentioned while still at the party Tubbs could have possibly blown their cover to try ad confront Sonny. “What’s up with you, Trudy?” You’ve been quiet since I found you waiting at the bar for me. C'mon you ain’t mad that I had to leave you like that, are you?“

"No, it’s not that,” She replied as she looked up and out the windshield. “Something crazy and totally unexpected happened tonight.”

“What happened?” Tubbs frowned up can he continued to look between Trudy and the road. He was in full over-protective big brother mode now. “Did some punk mess with you at that party?”

“No, he wasn’t a punk,” Was all she offered as Tubbs pulled his car into the alleyway that led to the back of the club, which was where the real owner and workers usually parked. Trudy could see that Castillo, Gina, and Switek’s cars were already there, so they were waiting inside. “

"Well, who was it, what happened?” Tubbs continued his probing as he parked and then turned off the car. Trudy graced him with an endearing smile. She was always touched whenever he, Sonny, Switek, and even their Lieutenant would try to look out for her. All ready to whoop ass to defend her honor if needed.

“I’ll tell you all about once we get inside, let’s go,” She opened the door and exited the car then made her way to the back door of the club. Tubbs was right behind her. He stepped around her and used the keys he was given to unlock the door and then held it open for Trudy to enter first. Once inside there entered a small corridor that veered to the right to take patrons to the bathroom, while the locked door on the left was for employees only. It was where the owner’s posh office was and also had numerous smaller rooms where the ladies got ready. That side was almost half as big as the main side of the club, which was straight ahead from the corridor.

“Hey you two,” Switek was the first to greet them having noticed their entrance first. He had been seated on the edge of the stage across from where both Castillo and Gina sat waiting at the table right in front of the stage.

“How was the party,” Gina asked as she eyed Trudy up and down in mild envy at how beautifully she wore her dress. “And I am borrowing that dress someday, count on it,” She added on and Trudy threw her a smile as she moved and seated herself at the table beside Gina.

“It was fantastic,” Tubbs replied as he slapped and then rubbed his hands together, all with a pleased grin on his face. “Carrera is definitely interested. We’ve set up another meeting here tomorrow night so he can see the operation first hand. It was definitely a good idea to start 'working’ here for the last month and really set up that back story. And now that the workers have gotten to know me as their new boss, it’ll make it all seem more real to Carrera.”

“Yeah, good thing we were able to convince the D.A. to cut, the previous owner, a deal if he cooperated. It helped that he came in and made the announcement that you would be taking over the business, and assured them all they would still have the same job as before except with a new boss and new hostess,” Switek said as he pointed to Trudy.

“I feel really bad that once this is all over this place will be shut down and all those girls will be out of a job,” Gina said with a grim look on her face.

“Doubt it,” Tubbs interjected. “Every last one of the women working here is turning tricks on the side. Us closing this place down ain’t gonna change that fact. They’ll just have to find another place to meet their Johns.”

“Yeah, back out on the street corner, where they’re likely to get snatched up by a pimp and put to work three times harder with a quarter of the pay,” Gina countered and Tubbs fully understood what she was saying. “At least in here, they have a safe place to meet the Johns and keep all of their earnings.”

“It’s not up to us,” Castillo spoke out around a heavy, deep sigh, wanting to end this particular discussion. “Thankfully, the DEA has worked out a deal to allow us to use it for the time being and convinced the previous owner to play along. What time is your meeting with Carrera?”

“10 pm,” Tubbs answered.

“Can you have everything set up by then?” Castillo looked at Switek as he spoke.

“Yeah,” Switek said with a nod as he looked around the room. “The previous owner has already installed a state-of-the-art surveillance system in here. I will just splice into it and tie it to our equipment. Whatever is lacking I’ll get. It’ll definitely be done before the meeting with Carrera.”

“There’s something else we have to be concerned with,” Trudy finally spoke as she looked at each of the faces in the room before she continued. “Tonight, I saw Sonny,” She said the words and then paused to allow the others to let what she had said sink in. They all held the same confused and stunned scowl on their faces, even Castillo. “And I don’t mean I saw someone I thought was Sonny. I mean he walked right up to me, introduced himself as Sonny Burnett, and then asked me out. We’re having lunch tomorrow at the Miami Beach Boardwalk.”

“Wait, what?” Gina was the first to speak out aghast. “He’s still undercover? Was his death all a ruse?” She directed this directly at Castillo, as anger began to fill her at the thought that they had been led to believe their close friend had been killed in the line of duty.

“No,” Trudy cut back in before any other questions could be asked. “He’s not undercover. He really believes he’s Sonny Burnett. When we talked, when I looked into his eyes,” She shook her head slightly as she recalled the moment. “He didn’t recognize me. He had absolutely no clue who I was. He’s living the life of Sonny Burnett and he’s the main enforcer of the Carrera organization.”

“Oh my God, so he’s got some kind of amnesia?” Gina asked.

“Looks that way,” Trudy confirmed.

“Trudy, baby, I hope you’re telling a bad joke right now,” Tubbs said as he shook his head. “Because if Sonny is alive and he’s Carrera’s enforcer…”

“He’s one of the most wanted criminals in Dade, Monroe, and Broward County,” Castillo announced and the only one not surprised by this news was Tubbs.

“Yeah, he’s been blasting dealers throughout Miami and surrounding cities,” Tubbs stated. “Strategically taking out Carrera’s competition. Miguel Carrera was actually talking about it tonight, about their badass enforcer who was so cold-blooded he’d blast any fool, even cops. Now that I think about it, he did call him Sonny too.”

“Jesus,” Switek huffed out.

“So, what’s the new play here?” Tubbs asked Castillo whose jaws clenched as he stared down at the tabletop.

“Same as before,” Castillo replied. “Bust Carrera and bring down his organization. Do you think you’ll be able to handle working the Sonny situation on your own?” He asked Trudy.

“Yeah, he’s definitely interested in seeing me again, and I definitely want to help him if I can,” She answered honestly.

“The assignment isn’t to help him, it’s to bring him in for his crimes, same as with Carrera,” Castillo declared glibly. “We don’t know the full story of what has happened to him, and we can’t concern ourselves with that right now. If he really believes he’s an enforcer and he’s killing people, he’ll be brought to justice just like everybody else. If you can’t set aside personal feelings and do your job then I don’t want you involved, and that goes for all of you,” He spoke this as he casually looked to each of them as they sat quietly. None of them wanted this reassigned, they all knew that the best chance of bringing Sonny in alive was if they handled the case themselves.

“I understand the assignment, Lieutenant, and I’ll do my job like I always have,” Trudy declared. “I can work the case by keeping company with Sonny, and I’m sure Tubbs can work things from the Carrera side,” Tubbs nodded in agreement.

“What about Caroline and Billy,” Gina threw out. “Shouldn’t we tell them that Sonny’s alive?”

“No, not if Sonny really thinks he’s one of the bad guys,” Tubbs replied. “Them knowing could compromise the case and blow Sonny’s cover as well as ours. Sonny might think he’s one of Carrera’s people but memories or not if they ever discover who he truly is they’ll kill him,” They all nodded to this very true assessment.

“Well, things just got a whole lot more complicated, didn’t it?” Switek stated.


The Lunch Date


“You know, darlin,” Sonny spoke from across the small bistro table he and Trudy sat at. She had picked a small French restaurant where some of the seating was outside the storefront under a large awning. He sat with legs crossed and looked out of place dressed to the nines in an expensive dark Armani suit over a white dress shirt. Today he went more casual than he usually would and didn’t wear a tie, and although his hair was still slicked back, he didn’t have his signature ponytail. “I’m not a cheap date nor am I expecting anything in return for treating you to lunch,” He said with a smile and she smirked back at him but sent a curious look.

“Well, that’s good to know.”

“I mean to say, you could have picked a classier place, where they require reservations and make you dress up and seat you inside to eat,” He continued as he cautiously eyed the male waiter who settled their ordered food and drinks onto the table. Trudy waited until the waiter was done and had walked away before she replied.

“I like this place,” She said with a shrug. “And don’t let the looks of it fool you; they have really good food. Besides, I didn’t exactly dress for finer dining,” When she said this Sonny lustfully raked his eyes over her frame which she had caught him doing a few times since they had met up. She wore hot pink shorts that hit her at her upper thigh but weren’t too short to be indecent. And though the shorts needed no help staying on her she had a thin silver belt looped through them as an accessory. She matched the shorts with a white camisole shirt that showed her toned belly and white sneakers. She wore her thick, bone straight breast-length hair up and a high ponytail with a heavy bang. It was always windy on the boardwalk and she knew this was a style that would keep her hair looking carefree but still under control, instead of looking wild, frizzy, and crazy.

“You look amazing,” He complimented as he let his eyes linger on her crossed legs. She blushed sweetly at his words and internally struggled with her body to keep still and not squirm under his heated gaze.

“Thank you, and you look very handsome, Mr. Burnett. Overdressed but very sharp,” Trudy assessed his attire as her eyes danced over his frame. He simply smiled and nodded to acknowledge her words. “But aren’t you hot?” She giggled out as she actually saw sweat beads popping up on his forehead.

“Yeah, I’m roasting over here, actually,” Sonny replied as he chuckled, amused by her amusement of his situation.

“So, why don’t you lose the jacket?” She suggested and with a smile still on his face, he unbutton the jacket, leaned forward a bit, and then tugged each arm from the sleeve. He then laid the jacket on one of the two vacant chairs at their table, which was just to his right. “Now don’t you feel better? Trudy said while subconsciously letting her eyes drift over his body before they settled back up to his eyes, which were locked on to her hungrily. She gasped a little at the intensity she saw in his eyes. They sat like that for what felt like hours, both seemed physically unable to look away.

"Sail away with me,” Sonny suddenly threw out and his words garnered a surprised and confused look from Trudy. Before she could question him, he went on. “I came here in my boat. It’s docked just down at the Marina.”

“I don’t get on boats with men I don’t know,” She replied through a gentle smile, and his own smile broadened.

“Yeah, I guess that’s a good rule to live by,” Sonny replied as he nodded a little but never lost her gaze. “But you know me, don’t you?” He posed to her and her smile faltered a bit as she looked at him curiously and wondered had he regained some memory of her or their friendship. “We met last night, remember? I’m Sonny Burnett,” He joked and she let out a nervous chuckle, mildly disappointed he hadn’t really remembered anything. “And you’re Ms. Trudy Jackson. See, we know each other,” He then leaned across the table some as he continued to speak. “C'mon, Trudy, we won’t go far, and I’ll have you back in time for you to get to work.”

“But we haven’t even eaten anything yet, Sonny,” She said in the hopes to dissuade him. The truth was she wasn’t too keen to be trapped on a boat out in the ocean with this familiar stranger before her.

“I’ll feed you on my boat, c'mon, let’s go,” He spoke this as he pulled out his wallet, pulled out two bills, and tossed them on the table. He then reached across the table, grasped her hand, and pulled her up as he himself stood. At this point, he didn’t seem to care for any further protests from her as he firmly held onto her and steered them through the crowd. Sonny Crockett would have never manhandled Trudy like this. He had only tried it once and she had cursed him out so badly she was sure she had actually struck some fear into him. But Sonny Burnett, she could tell, was a man that was used to getting his way, and wasn’t big on asking and would probably never beg for anything. No, he’d just take whatever he wanted, this was not lost on Trudy as she followed where he was now leading her.


Sometime Later


“Will there be anything else you needed, Mr. Burnett?” The slender-built, balding 50-something man asked as he stood beside the beautifully set table. The man was the owner of a very high-classed Italian restaurant that Trudy had always wanted to try but it was out of her tax bracket. She couldn’t ever justify in herself paying $30 for one slice of lemon-honey semifreddo dessert even though she had been dying to try it.

“No, thanks Giorgio, everything was perfect,” Sonny answered and then wiped his mouth with his napkin. He had genuinely enjoyed the meal, which was a plus to him considering how much it all cost for the last-minute catered order. But to him well worth it for the company he was currently keeping.

“Yes, it was all so delicious, thank you,” Trudy chimed in after she too wiped her mouth. Giorgio simply bowed and then waved his staff to clear the table. Then they would clean everything in the kitchen, pack up, and leave.

“C'mon darlin, let’s go down to the lounge area where it’s more comfortable,” Sonny said this and then pushed back his chair and stood. He moved to her, pulled out her chair, and gently pulled her to her feet.

“I like it out here, in the fresh air,” She stated as she tried to pull from his grip. He didn’t initially let her go until she looked down at where his hand still held her arm, and then looked up at his face with an arched brow. He cast her a charming smile and then released her. She took somewhat hurried steps away from him and moved to the railing at the stern of the yacht. She grasped the railing and let her head fall back a little and then closed her eyes. She took a deep cleansing breath and just enjoyed the feel of the sun and wind on her face.

“Damn. You’re beautiful,” Sonny’s voice pulled her attention and she opened her eyes and found him standing just at her right side. He was so close his shoulder nearly grazed hers.

“Thank you,” She mustered out as she let her eyes quickly glance at his face before she turned and looked out over the ocean. He reached out and grazed the fingertips of his left hand across her neck and she slightly trembled under his touch. Her heart rate increased a tad bit with anticipation of what he might say or do next.

“I want to spend more time with you, is that possible?” Sonny asked as he trailed the back of his knuckles down her right arm before he pulled it back and pushed it in his pocket.

“Yeah, I think that’s possible,” Trudy replied with a nod of her head and a smile as she turned to look at him. Her smile widened when she saw the toothy smile that spread across his face. She thought it was very sweet that he appeared to be enthused that she had agreed.

“All right, how about tonight?”

“I already told you I have to work tonight.”

“Yeah, I know but as it turns out I’ll be at your job working too. My boss has a meeting there with your boss. So, I thought when we’re both off duty we could hang out.”

“I’m usually dead on my feet and no fun after a long night of work, Sonny. I just like going home and sleeping,” She tried to deter his offer.

“Okay, well at least let me take you home,” He tried a different tactic, and she could see that he was really trying. She didn’t want to seem too eager but also didn’t want to push him away to the point that he might just lose interest altogether.

“I usually drive myself to work … but I could have one of my co-workers pick me up tonight, and then you can give me a ride home.”

“Then it’s a date?” He said as he held out his right hand to initiate a handshake, which she assumed was to seal the deal.

“Yeah, it’s a date,” She giggled, rolled her eyes dramatically, and grasped his hand with her right hand, and shook it. Sonny then suddenly tugged her closer until she pressed against his chest and they were nose to nose. They both stood like that for a few seconds seemingly mesmerized by the other’s mouth. Then Sonny closed the distance and captured her mouth with his own. The kiss was tender and sweet, and they both thought the other tasted divine. Trudy couldn’t help herself as she reached her right hand up and rested her fingertips against the nape of his neck. In response, Sonny clamped both of his hands around her tiny waist and held her even closer. The feel of his current excitement that was pressed against her belly brought Trudy back to her senses and she pulled from the kiss breathlessly. She bowed her head a bit. “We should head back now. I have errands I have to run before I head into work.” She could feel Sonny smile against the side of her face. He then leaned in and kissed her right temple.

“All right, I’ll take you back.”


Later that Evening


“This is a safe house I’ve never been to before, but at least the neighborhood is clean and nice,” Gina spoke out as she grabbed a couple of bags from the back of her convertible.

“Well, from the outside it looks perfect,” Trudy replied as she grabbed a few more bags and the luggage she had packed from her car. All of the items were things she brought from her home to make this fake home seem legit. “I’m just glad the Lieutenant could find something for me on such short notice,” She made her way up the steps and unlocked the door. It was a very nice two-story townhouse, which was already nicely furnished. Trudy was very pleased to see that the furnishings were very much in tune with her own style.

“Wow, this is beautiful. No wonder I couldn’t find a nice place like this when I was looking. The department is buying them all up to use as safehouses,” Gina joked as she entered and closed the door behind her.

“All right, let’s get to decorating, and then off to work we go,” Trudy said as she entered the living room.


Later that night


“Trudy!” A female voice called out to her over the loud music in the club. Trudy lifted her attention from the patron she had checked on to make sure they were seated and being served. Her eyes landed onto one of the floor girls as they called themselves. The curly-haired blonde nodded towards the door, and Trudy turned to see Ruby another floor girl who also did hosting with Trudy. They alternated and allowed each other some time to get out and mingle and dance. But tonight, Trudy had told the girls to keep a lookout for a group of guys who would be coming in around 10 pm, so she could take care of them personally for the boss. When Trudy turned towards the door, she found Ruby checking hats and coats of Oscar Carrera, his son Miguel, Sonny, and two other men she was sure were also guards. Trudy rushed over to get them seated.

“Good evening gentlemen and welcome to the Member’s Only club,” Trudy greeted with a smile as she moved behind the station where she booked the guest in. She purposely tried not to look directly at Sonny, but she could feel the heat of his gaze upon her. “What names are your reservations under?” She asked as she looked between Oscar Carrera and Miguel. It was Miguel to answer.

“It’s under Carrera, and it is lovely to see you again Ms. Trudy,” He said as he leered at her. Trudy gave him a curt nod and tried not to let her face show the disgust she felt from the way he was looking at her. At that moment she did shoot Sonny a quick glance and found him frowned up and shooting a death glare at Miguel. She signed them in and then moved to lead them to the VIP booth waiting for them.

“We have your seat in the VIP section, right this way please.”

“I would follow you anywhere in that dress and out of it too, Mami,” Miguel replied through a lecherous smile as he licked his lips, but before he could step behind his father and the other two guards, Sonny had stopped him by grasping his arm. When Trudy had arrived at the table toward the back, but closest to the stage she noticed that only Carrera and two of the guards were taking seats. She looked back and saw Sonny was talking lowly to Miguel, and Miguel suddenly held his hands up as if he were surrendering in a fight. Miguel then nodded as he spoke. He placed his left hand on Sonny’s right shoulder with his right hand placed over his chest. Miguel then smacked the back of his right hand against Sonny’s chest. Sonny said nothing just stared at the man sternly and then nodded in satisfaction and they then walked over to the table together. “Please forgive me if I said anything disrespectful before, Ms. Trudy,” Miguel spoke out and Trudy was genuinely surprised by this. She cut her eyes from Miguel over to Sonny who shot her a quick wink. She bit back a laugh as she realized what had happened.

“You are forgiven, please have a seat and I will let my boss know that his guests have arrived,” She then waved over Gina who was fronting as a floor girl. “This is Gina she will take your orders and get you whatever you want,” Trudy cast a smile to the men and then moved to head to the back office. As she was passing Sonny he reached out and placed a hand on her arm and she instantly stopped and looked up at him. He leaned in close to her ear and spoke low to her.

“You are so fucking beautiful,” Was all he said and then he removed his hand from her arm. She blushed hard and smile coyly at his words. She mumbled a thank you and then hurried on her way.

After Trudy had gone to inform Tubbs that it was game time, she took a moment and went to the employee bathroom to check herself. She didn’t know why she cared so much about how she looked, but Sonny’s praises made her want to make sure her makeup and hair were still fresh. She knew that the short black latex dress she wore accentuated her body. The front opened just above her navel but was kept together by a string laced and tied in the front. She’d only worn it once before while undercover as a hooker, but she left the white fake fur she’d worn with it that time at home tonight. She smacked her lips a couple of times they didn’t feel tacky so she knew she didn’t need to retouch her lipstick. Her hair which she wore out was completely crimped and big and bold as the ends just brushed her clavicle bone. She reached up both hands and fluffed both sides of her hair. Then she smirked at herself because she knew she looked good, really good. She then exited the bathroom and made her way back out to the club. She noticed Tubbs and Carrera seated and talking through her peripheral vision not wanting to stare directly. However, she could not make out anyone else, namely Sonny who was likely right at the table guarding his boss. So, she plastered on a smile and worked the floor as the main hostess. She checked tables and patrons dancing on the floor to make sure they were having a good time. She then made her way to the bar to make the rounds there, that’s where she bumped into Gina who was getting drinks for the Carrera table.

“Hey,” Trudy greeted. “You need a hand?”

“No thanks, only Carrera, his son, and Rico ordered drinks. And man, you weren’t kidding. About Sonny I mean, he had no idea who I was. He looked right through me like he had never seen me before in his life, and he was kind of a jerk when I was trying to small talk with him,” Gina spoke with a small frown. “But I think you will definitely have better luck given the way he is looking at you right now,” She glanced over Trudy’s shoulder and could see Sonny standing near the VIP booth but he had his eyes locked onto Trudy’s bareback. “See you later,” Gina said as she grabbed the tray of drinks and took off.

“Hey Jimmy,” Trudy called to one of the 4 bartenders working the long bar. “Can I get a coke, please?”

“Sure Trudy,” He then grasped a can from the fridge housed under the bar, grabbed a tall glass, and sat it on the bar top in front of her. He put some ice in the glass, a straw, then he opened the can of Coke, and filled the glass.

“Swaying room as the music starts

Strangers making the most of the dark

Two by two their bodies become one…”

“Thanks, doll,” She said as he nodded and moved away to another customer. She sipped the coke and willed herself to not turn around and look for Sonny. But when she looked up into the huge mirror behind the bar it didn’t take her long to spot him. There he stood looking deadly, dangerous, and dastardly handsome. And also looking right back at her. She raised her glass of Coke into the mirror at him and he smiled in return.

“I see you through the smokey air

Can’t you feel the weight of my stare

You’re so close but still a world away…”

“Hello Ms. Trudy,” A male voice called out from her left and she turned a little to regard the older heavy-set white man who seemed to be a regular, for she had seen him come in every single night for the month that they had worked the place undercover. She had heard several girls talking about how he made their skin crawl whenever they danced with him, but he was a great tipper so they put up with how touchy he was. Though all had stated they were never desperate enough to go on a 'date’ with him after work. “Why don’t you ever dance with me?” He asked this as he reached out his stubby fingers that reminded Trudy of sausages and gripped her arm.

“Because, Pauly,” She spoke calmly to him as she removed his hand from her arm. “I already told you before, I am the hostess, not a dancer, and when I do dance, I like to dance alone.”

“Aww, c'mon baby, I got a couple of Ben Franklins in my pocket and they’re yours for just one dance,” He smiled and moved his hand to touch her hip. Before she could react Pauly’s hand was removed and the man’s face contorted in pain. It took Trudy a second to realize that Sonny was now standing right at her side and had Pauly’s hand twisted in his hand.

“If you ever touch her like that again, I’m gonna shoot you in your face,” Sonny snarled the words into the frightened man’s face and then he released Pauly’s hand with a shove. “Now, apologize.”

“I…. I’m …mmm, I’m so sorry, Ms. Trudy,” Pauly stammered over his words as he stood wide-eyed and clearly in a panic.

“It’s all right, Pauly, and he’s just joking about shooting you in the face,” Trudy spoke through a nervous smile. Pauly shot a glance at Sonny’s stoic face to gauge if he was in fact joking, and Sonny opened his jacket slightly to show the gun holstered at his side. Pauly quickly averted his eyes to the floor and stood there trembling in fear. Trudy waved a nearby floor girl over to them. The girl made a sour face at seeing who the patron was but she hurried over regardless. Trudy hoped the meek man before them did not cause a scene or call the cops on Sonny. “Why don’t you go with Mandy, I’m sure she’d be happy to take those 2 Ben Franklins in your pocket for a dance.”

“Oh sure, honey,” Mandy cooed out at hearing this and grasped his arm to pull him away. “I’ll give you two dances in my private room in the back,” She offered and this immediately captured Pauly’s full attention as she let her steer him towards the back rooms. When they left Trudy turned to glare at Sonny.

“Are you crazy? You can’t come up in here and threaten the customers like that, Sonny,” She spewed out. “I have to work here, and Pauly is a regular customer, and a big spender here,” Sonny frown up as anger started to fill him.

“I thought you told me you were just a Hostess here and not turning tricks on the side.”

“I am just a Hostess and I’ve ever hooked in my life,” She nearly growled out. “But take a look around Sonny,” He did as she instructed and found that nearly every seat in the club had men with girls gyrating on their laps and a huge stage with men seated around it throwing money at the four girls dancing on it. “For most of these girls in here that is their side hustle, and they would make my work life hell if I was the reason one of their big spenders decided not to come here anymore.”

“I’m sure Mandy is somewhere making him forget all about it. And now the fucker knows to keep his hands to himself.”

“Yeah, probably, but still, I didn’t need you to ride in to defend my honor. I can take care of myself,” She attested.

“I didn’t mean to upset you, Trudy, I just didn’t like the way he was grabbing all over you,” Sonny stated and it didn’t go unnoticed to Trudy that he hadn’t actually said the words I’m sorry. “Don’t be mad at me, let’s dance,” He said as he reached over and grasped her hand.

“Aren’t you working?” She asked as she glanced over to the table where Tubbs and the Carrera’s appeared to be deep into their conversation.

“My guys have things covered so I’m taking a break,” He said as he also glanced to his boss’s table before settling his eyes back on hers. “Looks like you’re taking a break too. So, dance with me,” He then tugged her into his arms, raised her hand he still held nestling it between them and wrapped the other around her waist. She felt like a snake and he was the charmer who made her move to his will, as she began to slowly dance where they stood.

“I never wanted anyone like this

It’s so brand new

You’ll feel it in my kiss

I’m crazy for you, crazy for you

Crazy for you, crazy for you

It’s all brand new, I’m crazy for you

And you know it’s true

I’m crazy, crazy for you…”

Even after the song and music faded Sonny and Trudy continued their slow dance, both locked into a staring contest that neither seemed to be losing.

“Do you believe in destiny, or maybe it’s fate… I don’t know?” He tossed out and it was so out of character to the badass persona he presented himself to be, she tossed her head back a little and cackled out a laugh. She was relieved when he chuckled along not offended by her laughing. “Yeah, I know it sounds cheesy as hell but there is something about you, Trudy, something that I am so drawn to. I haven’t been able to get you outta my head since I saw you last night. And I feel like there is something that flows between us. It’s like some strong energy. Don’t you feel it too?” He asked her as his face took on a more serious tone. Trudy did know what he meant and she also felt the connection, but she chalked it up to them having known each other and working together for years. They were good friends. At least they used to be. Sonny couldn’t remember it in his head but was likely feeling it instead.

“Yeah, I feel it too,” She conceded as she then laid her head against his shoulder. She found that she wanted to grab him by the shoulders and shake him. Tell him who he truly was but she knew it would only make the situation worse, so she bit her tongue and continued to sway with him. As she listened to the new song that had started to play her hold body stiffened.

“I’m not just looking for an answer

To my prayers or my dreams

It’s just I feel my love needs more consistency

I’m about out of luck, half out of time

I’m just about to lose my mind

I’m starting to lose touch with my reality

Trudy lifted her head, leaned back, and stare dead into Sonny’s eyes. Sonny stared back at her adoringly as a gentle smile crossed his lips.

"What?” He questioned as he continued to move them along with the music. Trudy thought for sure that hearing Caitlyn’s voice, hearing her singing the same song she sang when she was gunned down would spark something within him. But there seemed to be absolutely nothing there in his eyes, except lust that her closeness had sparked in him.

“I never wished on stars

I never thought that dreams came true

Yet in the midst of all my disbelief

Darlin’ now I feel like I am long overdue

I search high and low to find my pot of gold

And that’s why (yeah)

"Hey,” Sonny spoke out again as he moved their joined hands and brushed his thumb across her chin. She shook her head to clear it and then smiled at him.

“It’s nothing, I just really like this song,” She said and he took a silent moment and just listened to the song.

Someday I’m gonna follow my rainbow

Someday I’m gonna reach for the sky

By then if you’re not ready or able

I’ll pack my pride for one last time

Cross my heart and pray our love won’t die

“Sorry, it’s a little bit too sappy for my taste,” He chuckled out and she pushed against his chest a little to get him to let her go. She felt a sudden urge to get away from him. She felt guilty like she was doing something that was disrespecting the memory of Caitlyn and the love that Caitlyn and Sonny had shared.

“I need to get back to work,” She said to him and as she hoped, he relinquished his hold on her, although reluctantly. Before she walked away, she moved back into his space and pointed a finger up at him. “And don’t threaten anybody else. We have a bouncer,” She pointed and Sonny looked over to see the big, bulky guy standing near the stage looking out over the floor. “His name is Stan and he knows how to handle anyone who gets out of hand. So, let him do his job, all right,” Sonny smiled down at her and swooped in and kissed her soundly before she could protest, and when he pulled from the kiss, he had left her slightly dizzy with euphoria.

“All right, darlin. I came here in my own car. So, I’ll just be hanging around until you get off, then I’ll take you home,” Sonny said as he left her standing there recollecting herself while he moved back to his boss’s table.


Song: 'Crazy for You’ sung by Madonna

Song: 'Follow my Rainbow’ sung by Sheena Easton


More to Come…

It’s a way of life…Victoria Germyn photographed by Steven Meiers for Wildfox Sun Kissed Spring 2017.

It’s a way of life…

Victoria Germyn photographed by Steven Meiers for Wildfox Sun Kissed Spring 2017.

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