#mic stand





Till vs mic-stands 3-0

From IG account adansika (don’t know the original video) Till this time took on Schneider’s mic stand on the small stage, Schneider looking at him “hey…why did you do that..”

maybe they told him not to headbut anymore and now he takes it out this way

Till putting a smile on Schneider’s face

Found the original video. At least Till helps him put it back on!

hey the video, good find well….‘helping’… bet Schneider quickly gets it out of the way

wonder who'se mic stand will be next…

Till vs mic-stands 3-0

From IG account adansika (don’t know the original video) Till this time took on Schneider’s mic stand on the small stage, Schneider looking at him “hey…why did you do that..”

maybe they told him not to headbut anymore and now he takes it out this way
