#michael shelby x reader


weirdly enough i was going through a Michael phase when i got this request so thank you @midwinternightz for making my dreams come true

this isn’t a song fic, but if it was, id tag Sweet Creature by Harry Styles because i can imagine Michael being a massive HS stan js - this is your song 

  •  Oh god where to begin
  • i get the feeling that Michael isn’t one to make the first move
  • hes confident but also a bit like cocky? like too arrogant to ask someone out 
  • you start working at the garrison to make a bit of money and Arthur isn’t sure about having a young girl behind the bar at first but you’re such a hit
  • everyone just loves you, especially Jonny dogs 
  • he loves you a bit TOO much 
  • but you can hold your own and aren’t afraid to break up a fight or two
  • seeing the peaky boys daily, you’re working at their watering hole after all
  • you catch Michaels eye but he’s just too gosh darn cool to admit it 
  • Hes probably the one you speak to least, i feel like all the other peaky juniors are much more talkative 
  • but boy does he LOVE drinking so you slowly but surely begin to get more comfortable with him
  • you’re the chatty one
  • i feel like he just sits and listens to you most of the time 
  • you’re not even sure if he’s listening tbh 
  • but he starts to stay later, you notice he’s still there at close, sitting at the bar nursing the rest of his whisky 
  • and he will listen to you talk about the day
  • or what youre gonna do with your day off
  • or just listen in on you and Harry chatting about Arthur 
  • he’s surprised by how much he likes your voice
  • he offers to walk you home one night and this starts to become a regular thing
  • Arthur was usually the one to walk you home, but when he couldn’t make it for whatever reason he would call Finn up to do it 
  • because he kinda wanted to see you too together
  • hes considerably pissed off when he sees Michael waiting for you outside instead of his brother 
  • “what’re you doing’ ere”
  • “im making sure Y/N gets home okay, like you do every night”
  • “exactly so bugger off!”
  • he lets you leave with him but only because Arthur has a masterplan in mind for getting you and Finn married
  • he tries to get Polly and Ada involved 
  • “so you want me to stop my son from seeing his female friend because…?”
  • “’cause he’s getting in the way”
  • “ah right, and why is that?”
  • “’cause i like her with Finn better”
  • hes ADMINT and he won’t rest until he’s got you on his arm and he’s walking you down the aisle to Finn
  • nobody quite understands why Arthur is so invested in you and Finn being an item, and god bless him he’s not gonna get his way
  • everyone else thinks you and Michael have a good ying and Yang thing going on
  • but not Arthur
  • and he will continue to try and convince them all of this 
  • you’re goods friends by this point 
  • Michael has a angsty side that only you take seriously 
  • you don’t make him feel like his problems are mundane like the rest of his family 
  • he comes to you over Polly and she knows this 
  • she’s probably a bit jealous, she’s its got her son back after all 
  • and now he’d rather speak to some barmaid over his own blood?
  • but Polly likes you a lot, and so she doesn’t make your life hell like should would any other girl she felt was taking what was hers
  • Michael is a serious guy, but you bring out the fun side of him 
  • which makes his presence more bearable for everyone involved
  • Michael only realises he’s actually interested in you when he starts to notice  all the male attention you get and how much it bothers him
  • you’re a pretty girl, and everyone knows the way to these mens hearts is through cheap beer or Scottish whisky 
  • naturally, you’re the apple of most garrison goers eyes
  • jealous michael is a grumpy michael 
  • Polly rolling her eyes at this behaviour 
  • “if you want her you have to tell her, Michael, she’s not a mind reader” 
  • he can’t lie though, he’s a little bit worried you don’t see him that way
  • you’ve been friends for a good while by this point and he’s worried he’s too stuck in the friendzone to ever get back out of it 
  • so he tries to buy you expensive things 
  • which is very confusing to you 
  • “Y/N, have you ever wanted a horse?”
  • like seriously 
  • wtf 
  • when those hints hit flat he tries to plan the best date ever
  • hes convinced this night will single-handedly bring him out of the friend zone forever 
  • taking you to the most expensive wine bar in London and tasting all the fine drinks of the upper class
  • its all vile
  • who even likes wine?
  • you can’t even swallow most of it in a ladylike way
  • you also can’t stop laughing at how ridiculous it all is 
  • Michael gets angry and flustered because his fool proof plan some how did not work? but how could this be
  • “lets just go” him storming out and you following, now giggling at how ridiculously serious he was
  • catching up to him and convincing him to come down the cut with you 
  • grabbing a few bottles of beer from the back of the Garrison and taking them up with you 
  • sitting by the water under the starts and laughing about what a sham the day has been 
  • “i just wanted it to be the perfect dat- day”
  • whoops
  • smooth Michael isn’t so effective after a few beers
  • trying to explain that you’re not one of those fancy girls who needs to be spoken to with money and expensive things, 
  • “i just want honesty Michael”
  • “okay well i really like you and i really want to take you on more dates please” 
  • drunk Michael is a very honest michael 
  • agreeing to more dates with him
  • doing all the stuff young teen  lovers do 
  • you keep him humble, while he shows you just how much you deserve 
  • knowing the Michael everyone else sees, but falling in love with the real him
  • the country boy who has big dreams and wants to see change in the world
  • hes a leader, but so are you 
  • you’re both fiery, so it takes a while to work out how to coexist together
  • teaching Michael the importance of family loyalty because he’s not got non season 5 michael I’m looking at you wtf is going on my dude sort your shit 
  • he is so LOYAL TO YOU 
  • wants to have a big family in the country with you 
  • he talks about having kids all the time 
  • he also believes in the importance of marriage 
  • he knows he wants you and you only, i imagine he’s excited to put a ring on it but he also is okay with waiting until he knows for sure you’re just as into it as him
  • helping him over the scars of his childhood and whatever happened in the orphanage 
  • he scares a lot of deep personal shit with you that makes you extremely angry 
  • you have dreams of killing that priest with your bare hands at least once a week 
  • Polly wouldn’t be happy with anyone else being with her son, you are the only girl who has ever reached her impeccably high standards and she is always there for you; because you’re her daughter in her eyes now - even before you two marry 
  • Convinving Michael to be a dog person 
  • he’d do anything for you 
  • you’re not just his lover, you’re his best friend and his whole heart. Michael has never found another soul he felt he could share all his thoughts with until you, and he knows there will be no one else after you 



Pairing: Michael Gray x Reader

Summary: You simply couldn’t understand why he’d jeopardise something he claimed to care about that much.

Warnings: Angst.

Words: 3735

A/N:Cliché as fuck but well, who doesn’t like having a fair amount of ficts with the same topic? Also, super unedited but it’s like 5AM so you know, fuck it.


“You are my girl.” Michael whispered in your ear as he hugged your waist, swaying with you rhythmically as the blues ringed in your ears.

You nodded lightly, hands on his back as you hung your head on his shoulder, shutting your eyes as you waited for a heartbeat to skip, for the wave of affection to wash you over like it used to.

It never came.

Keep reading

Hands down this is still the best Michael fic out there

Omgg people still read my ficts??
