#micro expressions



Back at (over)analyzing the expressions on Jude’s and Mads’ faces during the restaurant scene because there’s still so much to say. Their acting skills are truly mind-blowing and here’s another proof of that:

The contrast between the look on Dumbledore’s face when he mentions the blood pact and tells Grindelwald that they could free each other of it and Grindelwald’s own expression is truly fascinating. If you pay close attention to Dumbledore’s body language, you can clearly see that he’s seriously thinking about breaking the troth. His body leans forward, his shoulders go up, his head moves lightly so that he nods exactly when he pronounces the words “we can” (in a really subtle way). All these small movements mean that he’s sincere, he knows that if they both agreed to break the blood troth, they could break it. Of course it’s not easy for him to give up on the pact but he knows that’s the best thing to do.

Meanwhile if you focus on Grindelwald’s face when Dumbledore brings up the idea of breaking the blood pact, you can see that it truly infuriates him. I’m not 100% certain of that because his expression switches so quickly that it’s hard to interpret it perfectly, but I would even say that it disgusts him. “Breaking our blood troth? How can you even THINK of doing that?“. His nostrils are flared, he huffs loudly, he slowly pinches his lips together and then he closes his eyes, curls up his lips and turns his head looking sickened. He’s so damn mad that Dumbledore brought that subject up and Mads manages to show that anger so well, it’s impressive. The expression only lasts for a second, he doesn’t flare up, he quickly collects himself (of course), but his attitude changes for the rest of the conversation and he later "takes revenge” by trying to make Dumbledore feel guilty.

I will never stop saying it: Jude and Mads truly understood the assignment.

Mads.. we don’t need to hear him voice his vexations; the look in his eyes and his little movements say everything.

This is the so famous micro expressions acting and Mads is wonderful in this.
