#midgardia xandaros

More March Mammal Madness art! With only two vertebrates, only one of which is a mammal… it hMore March Mammal Madness art! With only two vertebrates, only one of which is a mammal… it hMore March Mammal Madness art! With only two vertebrates, only one of which is a mammal… it hMore March Mammal Madness art! With only two vertebrates, only one of which is a mammal… it hMore March Mammal Madness art! With only two vertebrates, only one of which is a mammal… it hMore March Mammal Madness art! With only two vertebrates, only one of which is a mammal… it h

More March Mammal Madness art! With only two vertebrates, only one of which is a mammal… it happens some years. This is the Sea Beasties division (or, as it was known backstage at first, “Gods and Monsters of the Sea”)

Species list under the cut:

  • Vampire Squid
  • Glaucus atlanticus the Dragon Slug
  • Pink Vent Fish (Thermarces cerberus)
  • the Ammonite Didymoceras nebrascense
  • Midgardia xandaros
  • Obdurodon tharalkooschild, aka PLATYZILLA

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