#midland lifestyle blogger

.New Matcha Drinks On The Go | teapigs. Those of you who have been around for a while will know that

.New Matcha Drinks On The Go | teapigs.

Those of you who have been around for a while will know that last year i discovered the wonderful world of matcha tea(seehereandhere). If you haven’t heard of it before it’s a miracle bright green tea powder that’s packed full of antioxidents(with one cup the equivilent of 15 cups of normal green tea), helps to speed up your metabolism and fight all the nasty things that can beat your body down and i swear by it. 

Unfortunately on it’s own i think it tastes disgusting (think along the lines of pondwater mixed with death) but stirred into orange juice it’s flavour is undetectable…even if it does turn your juice bright green! The only problem with this is that without a clever whizzy whisk gadget it can be quite difficult to mix and that bloody powder get’s EVERYWHERE! So the clever clogs at teapigs have come up with a simple solution for the matcha lover’s preparation problem and mixed it for us in handy on the go cartons! So far they’ve released three fruity flavours: Apple*, Elderflower* and Grapefruit*

I started off with the apple flavour but i’m sad to say that i really didn’t like it! I could still taste the matcha poking through at the end and it just wasn’t for me. Luckily though Elderflower and Grapefruit saved the day with a simply delicious, fresh taste and no matcha flavouring in sight - score! I like to grab one in the morning on the way to work or just before i work out to give me a bit of a boost. 

They’re a little on the pricey side at first glance with one carton coming in at £1.89 but a pack of matcha powder will set you back over £20 so it doesn’t work out too badly in the end. And compared to your daily caffeine boost from starbucks it’s practically pence…and only 32 kcals per 100ml too! All in all i’m a convert to the Elderflower and Grapefruit blends and i’d certainly buy them again - cheers to you teapigs and your adorable cartoon cup of tea!

Right now you can find them on the teapigs website here but they will soon be hitting your supermarket shelves so keep those eyes peeled!

Have you tried matcha tea before? Would you give these cartons a go?

Tweet us @xameliax @teapigs#matchadrinks


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