#might as well put the other functions in as well


If functions could talk - college edition - feat. the ESFP stacking

Se - wow, so many people walking by… is it distracting for you? oh, sorry, i’ll try to be quiet. oh my gosh, look at that guy’s hair. how could you fit that much gel on your head? oh, sorry, i’m supposed to be quiet. sorry. but your back hurts. you better fix your chair. oh, your head hurts too. sorry, i should be quiet. wait, what did the teacher say?

Fi - man, that person ignored my greeting. no, i’m okay. really, i’m fine… also, depression texted me. it’s feeling ignored since you’ve gotten busy. lemme just schedule a meeting with it tonight. what time is good? like, 10 pm? okay, it’s a date.

Te - hollllyyyy crap, we got things to do!!! there is no way i will let you sleep with all three of these assignments due for next week. we must get them done. now. i will not take no for an answer. you will not be at peace ever again. your dreams will not be the happy flowery kind. they will be your assignments. being missed.

Ni - so… guys? can i just say something…

Se - naw, we have to pay attention to the professor. aint got time for your ABsrAcT, noNSenSicle, baloney, Ni. btw, your head still hurts. please, we need advil. death is right around the corner if you don’t take some pain killers right now-

Fi - oh my gosh, i just had the best idea for a story ever! so there’s a guy who-

Te - NO no NO! we are NOT going to waste our tuition and fail our classes because Fi has another plotless story. NO!

Ni - no i wanna hear Fi’s idea. it sounds really interesting. i have a great plot idea too, if you’ll give me a few more seconds-

Se - so are we just gonna die!? is this how it ends? i see a light… 

Fi - ooohhh, that would be a great sentence in the story. so many feels… can we write it down? please?

Te - uhhh, guys, the professor is still talking, are you seriously-

Ni - yeah! i’ve got the whole beginning written down! this story is gonna be so sick. we’re gonna make millions.

Se - this is it. this is really the end. so… thirsty. head’s gonna explode. you’ve really killed us. i can’t believe it.

Fi - hmmm, i didn’t think we would go like this. well, i hope the funeral will be bomb. man, what’s my family gonna think? oh, that’s weird, i forgot my story idea… dang, i hope they play thanks for the memories by fallout boy. it really wouldn't be your funeral if they didn’t.

Te - well, you should prolly write that down so you don’t forget. maybe highlight it so they can find it before the funeral.

Ni - yeah, and i would like a large bouquet of irises. they symbolize-

*takes advil*

Se - oh, are we okay? cool, i’ll let you get back to your studies ;)

Fi- man, i can’t believe i lost my story idea :(

Te - yeah, who had time for that anyways? ah! write down that important information! neater handwriting, you peasant!

Ni - what story? oh, you mean the one i just threw out of your head? huh, my bad. no, i can’t re-write it. that would be silly, haha!
