#migs shares


yall ever get so burnt out hobbies dont make u happy anymore

ph elections hindering my ability to daydream about the dreamies rawr

rant about my country’s (PH) politics below

i dont usually like posting these things on tumblr so just wanna start off by saying this is a serious post and i cant rant like this anywhere else without my name being attached to this. next week, we’ll be electing a new president to run the philippines for the next six years. this is my first time voting and i have never been so anxious about the outcome of an elections before. the world is watching us, they are watching if we will decide to finally elect a president who can serve the people and uphold democratic values or if we continue down our path riddled with corruption, state impunity, human rights abuses, and political dynasties.

ive been harassed and red-tagged online before for speaking out against the wrongdoings of the current administration and i cannot expect anything less if ever we choose to elect the son of our former dictator into the highest executive seat of government. ive been warned by my family not to be so vocal, because it will only get me in trouble (codename for: arrested, watched by the government, and maybe even killed–yes, it’s happened before and it’s happened recently to campaign leaders of the opposition) and on the hit list of the wrong people, but i refuse to stand by and do nothing when i *know* that the poor and marginalized will be affected. this does not make sense to me. the choice of who should not be voted for should be obvious, but it isnt. in fact, the dictator’s son seems to be winning this race. but i refuse to accept it until the official declaration. it’s crazy that all i do on tumblr is write and talk about nct, but outside it’s a completely different story. if youve reached the bottom of this “rant”, what ever your religious beliefs may be, please keep my country and our future in your thoughts and prayers. if youre a filipino and voting this election, vote wisely. let’s not make the same mistakes we did in the past. may god bless and protect our democracy.

why is finding political theories to fit our study so jdklsajfalmdakslda

once again i am opting to write fanfiction instead of the critical essay that i need to pass a class

the best thing about knowing four languages is being unable to speak fluently in all of them


met a dude on omegle (yes THAT site), clicked with him, went to telegram, got ghosted. this is why i should stick to fantasizing about kpop idols

so im a catholic and we had palm sunday yeaterday and i feel like the nun knew how much fanfic and smut i read/wrote and literally splashed the holy water in my face when she was blessing our palms

did u really watch media content set in a british setting if you didnt spontaneously start speaking with a british accent

what’s with all these people plagiarizing works nowadays? fanfic being free content does not give u the right to be so disrespectful to the writer and the art.

manifesting my university fully establishes face to face classes next semester ‘cause the online set-up can kiss my ass
