#mikey sano headcanons


— pairing; bonten! sano manjirou x reader  

— summary; in which you mistake the leader of bonten for a homeless man, and offer him money

— notes;please donate to my kofi if you like my content and wish to support me. reblogs are appreciated !!


❋ Of course, it would rain on the day of your job interview.

❋ A loud retort of thunder brings the rain pouring down, sending people into a panic. Umbrellas go up in the crowd, and those without them hastily find shelter in shops or quicken their pace to get out of the rain.

❋ You have a pocket umbrella in your bag, but it’s completely forgotten in your panicked haste to escape the thunder and the drizzle.

❋ You end up taking shelter in an ornate parapet with a young man about your age, as you try to brush droplets of rain from your clothes and face. He spares you only an indifferent passing glance, but the bleakness in his eyes frightens you. You’ve never seen anyone look so desolate, so utterly broken. It’s almost if there’s no life in him. He looks as grey as death with deep shadows etched upon the angles and planes of his breath-taking face.

❋ You stand beside him in silence, sensing that he probably isn’t one for small talk. Instead, you check the weather reports on your phone, relieved to find out that this is just a passing shower. And indeed, the sudden downpour already seems to be lightening into a drizzle.

❋ “Here, take this.” You unzip your bag and push your umbrella towards him. And though he takes it from you, his eyes remain as blank as ever. “It’s fine, I’ll be out of the rain in a bit!”

❋ You fumble with your purse, and withdraw a thin fold of cash, which is also pressed into his hands. This time, his mask slips for just a second. But as soon as the dull surprise registers in his face, it’s gone, sealed away behind cold grey eyes and an expression carved from marble. “You should also probably buy something nice to eat or find a place to stay for the night.”

❋ It’s with a last smile and a quick wave that you’re on your way. The icy rain trickles down the back of your scarfless neck, but the discomfort lasts for only a short time. You soon duck into a twenty-story office building, a sleek spire of gleaming grey that pierces the clouds.

❋ The interior is just as awe-inspiring, with golden-veined marble floors and walls, and brushed aluminium security desk and turnstiles. A very pretty receptionist shows you into a spacious glass-walled meeting room furnished with a spacious table of dark wood table and at least twenty matching chairs.

❋ The meeting room boasts floor-to-ceiling views of the impressive Tokyo skyline, as you take a seat, you find yourself nearly wilting in relief that you’ve managed to arrive on time. You have no idea what Bonten will do to late-comers, but considering your first encounter with them … You have a vague inkling that it can’t be anything good.

❋ The man who enters the room introduces himself as Takeomi Akashi. He’s tall, and dressed in a fine grey suit, a pink shirt and a maroon tie. His hair is slicked back, away from his face, and his eyes almost seem to be assessing you with a shrewd gaze. An unlit cigarette dangles between his lips.

❋ He pages through your resume and must like what he sees, for he nods approvingly and almost smiles at you. “Ordinarily, you would be interviewed by someone else, but you came … Highly recommended from Ran and Rindou.”

❋ Ah. Right. How could you forget the day those two barged into your clinic at closing time, held you at gunpoint, and demanded that you treat a pink-haired co-worker of theirs? And then proceeded to offer you a job as Bonten’s doctor before the blood had so much as dried upon your latex gloves.

❋ You grimace. “Thanks?”    

❋ Akashi, thankfully, doesn’t comment on the expression on your face, but instead begins asking you questions, ones you’re sure would never be asked in a normal job interview. What benefits can you bring to the organization? Have you ever fired a gun? Have you ever thought about killing someone?

❋ And so it goes. You answer the questions as best as you can, and you think that you’ve been sitting with Akashi for about ten minutes when the door to the conference room opens, and the man from the bus stop strides into the room.

❋ You do a double take, but the man doesn’t even give you a second glance as he breezes by you and conducts a hushed conversation with Akashi. You hastily glance out the window and try to lose yourself in the stunning views, trying to give them some semblance of privacy. The conversation is brief, and is over as suddenly as it had begun. The man from the bus stop leaves, and it’s just you and Akashi once again.

❋ “Congratulations.” Akashi says, and the frown on his face smoothens out. “Welcome to Bonten.”

❋ You have no doubt in your mind that the man from the bus stop had come in to pull some strings, and you frown, still confused. You crane your neck, trying unsuccessfully to catch a last glimpse of the stranger. “Uh, can he do that?”

❋ “Hire you?” At your nod, Akashi says, “He’s our boss. Didn’t you know that?”

❋ Oh. Oh no.

What have you done?
