#mileena deserved better


-It is a shame that we have never seen the fight between Lina, Gourry and Luke animated. That would be epic!

-So Gourry broke the Sword of Absorption!? Damn! I have to re-write so many fanfics now! Or as that just a regular sword that Luke imbued with magic? I guess it’s a bit nebulous? I think the Sword of Absorption is gone though.

-I think it says a lot that Lina turned down payment for this. We see novel!Lina do that a few times and it says a lot about her own moral code.

-Lina definitely references Xellos in this.

-I’ll have to wait for the 15th novel to say more on this, but I do wish there was more of a farewell for Mileena.

-OMG! The teamwork between Lina and Gourry is like next level stuff! Him silently picking up on her cures to ask stupid questions to buy her time to chant!

-Lina says all the things that those of us conditioned to think of the other person’s point of view wish we could bring ourselves to say when dealing with difficult people.

-Mileena deserved better.

-And Gourry starts to have to take the lead a bit. What makes them such a great team really shines so far.
