#milina slayers


-Luke is an ass. And another instance of either his lack of empathy or general hard time relating to people who are closer to the civilian end of the spectrum with Maias.

-Mephy is also a bit of an ass.

-And the whole group accepts that Lina is responsible for Gourry. Everyone knows they go together.

-And Luke sure wishes he were as cozy with Mileena as Gourry is with Lina.

-Mileena seems to be trying a new tactic with Luke’s romantic advances in this novel, which is to ignore him completely. Lina notes that when she shoots him down he’s despondent but when she “leaves him hanging” he acts neglected. And this implies that he is seeking attention. There’s the whole soggy potato chip concept in child development circles, which is that if you are starving a soggy potato chip will look good. Which translates to if you never receive positive attention from someone you will settle for negative attention. Being ignored is far worse than being yelled at, scolded, hit, etc. The opposite of love is not hate but indifference. Used correctly and in the right circumstances it can be a good way to extinguish undesirable behaviors, and I think it says a lot that Mileena is embracing this approach.

-It is worth noting because of the questions over Gourry’s intelligence that he is the one who challenges the plan to go to the western tower when he notes that other places have their lights on. First, this means he can determine which way is west. Second, it means that he is smart enough to recognize when new information means changing the plan. Gourry also successfully breaks the ice with the palace soldiers. Mileena takes it from there with the plan to be arrested but to keep their weapons and gear so they can find Jade.

Still, both he and Lina almost seem to be colluding to spread the he’s an idiot narrative. And I tend to suspect they do it to give him a tactical advantage.

-Adding confusion to the timeline, General Allus says the fire in book 7 was a year ago. Granted, given the circumstances, General Allus might not have the best memory at the moment. Lina runs with the whole it happens a year ago thing.

-You go Milgazia! You help that captain find his power! Milgazia is awesome!

-I really wish we could see Mianzo animated. So creepy!
