

okay, this is a mini fic i just came up with! :-) the original story is here and the chapter this mini fic takes place in is here. well, uhm, alright read on?

To say Laila was happy to get some downtime was an understatement. Sure, she had plenty of time after being put into a group to relax, but she simply didn’t have any time to herself. The brunette did love the girls - even after just getting to know them - but time alone was something the girl desperately craved, no matter what. 

Josie had just left to get some coffee down at the lobby, Emmy was sleeping, and Audrey had just jumped into the shower - which left just enough time for Laila to pop in some headphones and work on straightening her hair. 

Even if it sounds bad, Laila's appearance meant a lot to her and she always made sue she looked presentable. Trips as simple as going to the market for groceries meant at least 15 minutes of getting ready. But could you blame her? The first thing a person judges you by is your looks - nothing else. They don’t know your personality at first glance and they definitely don’t know if you’ve got any hidden talents. A nice appearance is damn near everything. Of course, if you’re naturally as pretty as Josie you don’t need to worry about it. 

Laila couldn’t help but envy Josie. She was one of those people that you wanted to hate, because they’re so amazingly-perfectly-pretty, but you can’t, because they’re so nice, and so normal. She had come to like the girl already and found herself absentmindedly humming along to a song she’d hear Josie mumble the words to earlier - despite having her earphones in. 

Laila was a layered person, simply put. She could be happy and hyper one moment, and moody and quiet the next moment for a reason completely unknown to others around her. With the girls though, she found herself less moody and self-absorbed, and more happy and social. 

“Work dammit!” she cursed, hitting her straightener repeatedly. 

With an exasperated sigh, Laila took her phone out and called Josie. She had been gone for about 10 minutes at the most, but this was an emergency. 

“Crisis already?” Josie asked, a playful tone to her voice. 

“Where is your straightener?” she asked frantically.

Josie almost laughed at her friends panic over such a trivial thing, but told her none-the-less, “It’s in my big blue suitcase, to the left I think.”

Laila nearly screamed with joy when she pulled the Chi straightener out of her new bandmate’s suitcase. Thank God…

“Thanks Josie!" 

Crisis averted.

wow that was shit, sorry bro xo

and i dont know when i read payton’s story i picture laila like this haha c:


Here’s a little bit more of my Lukanette AU fic, Don’t Go Down By Carter Hall, which should be finished soon (here’s hoping!):

               He reached for a golden brown crescent, and no one stopped him as he bit into it. His mouth was meltingly full of the most delicate pastry he’d ever eaten when he turned to find himself facing the most celestially blue eyes he’d ever seen. The poets would have wept over this girl.

               She pressed fingertips to her mouth, smothering a giggle, as he swallowed quickly.

               “I gather you were hungry,” she said, a laugh still hovering at the corners of her beautiful mouth.

               “I hope you don’t mind,” he said a little thickly, and swallowed again. He gave her a smile in return for hers. “A starving student never walks past food, and this is the most amazing I’ve ever tasted in my life.”


Living Arrangements (my And They Were Room-mates! ML AU) is still kicking around (I am working on it, I promise!) and here’s a snippet of it:

               “I swear, it feels like she’s following me,” Marinette grumbled. “Everywhere I go these days, there’s Lila.”

               “Who is this Lila?” Luka asked. “One of your admirers?”

               “Hardly. She got me expelled, back in collège.”

               Luka straightened. “She what?”

               That hint of a growl in his voice sent a delicious shiver through her, and she bit her lip.
