#mine have a million complaints im sure



we’re almost all familiar with humans of new york (also known as HONY) but have you also seen the felines of new york? 

the blogs have one recipe for success: short personal stories told in the first person, with an accompanying photograph

and so for our first ever #inceptionkitties #inceptiversary event, we are delighted to announce a CALLOUT FOR INCEPTION CAT CONFESSIONS!

we can only imagine how much our inceptionkitties suffer because of fandom! has your kitty been neglected because you spent too much time on ao3? is your kitty sick of having to dress up like an inception character for pictures? did your kitty shred your favorite arthur x eames art print? we know their confessions are going to get downright embarrassing and cruel (and pretty hilarious) and we want them all!

  • we will start accepting content on july 1, and the last day to submit will be july 31
  • you can submit as many confessions as you’d like! (but let’s be reasonable, no more than five per day for the same inceptionkitty!)
  • please include one photograph in each post, and of course the text will be in the first person, from the kitty’s POV
  • please use the tags #inceptionkitties and #inceptioncatconfessions (in the first five tags, so they can be searchable on tumblr) as well as mentioning us in the body of the post using @inceptionkitties
  • regular events such as meowmonday, tummyrubtuesday, etc will continue, but throughout the month we will be featuring your cat confessions around the clock

mark your calendars and LET THE SECRET-SPILLING BEGIN!
