#mini book reviews


4 Best Books To Buy Today

4 Best Books To Buy Today

Finding new books to read can be overwhelming, mainly because there are so many! However I’ve read 4 books lately that are great books to read, and keep you wanting to read more and more. I’m always so inspired to read when I read new book posts, so I hope you love this post, just as much as I love writing them. If you’re looking for new books to read, then grab a cuppa and find out about these…

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My Favourite Books Of 2021

My Favourite Books Of 2021

Reading has really been such an outlet for me, ever since I was little, so carrying it into my adult life is something that truly makes me happy. I’ve read some incredible books in 2021, and in this post, I’m sharing my favourite books of 2021. I found some incredible books in 2021, and I feel like these books should be shared by absolutely everyone.
Malibu Rising
I don’t think I’ve ever read a…

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