#mini monstera




Monstera deliciosa has always been my ultimate dream plant that I wouldn’t be able to own due to lack of space. So when I saw that Rhapidophora tetrasperma had entered the market (well maybe it had always been here, I just never seen it), I’d been waiting for a chance to get one for myself.

On 24 Sep, I bought this 2-leaved Rhapidophora tetrasperma Her growth point was just a flat cut. Over time, the growth point swelled while the 2 leaves moved apart, and today I noticed that new growth is finally emerging! Hopefully she’ll continue being happy with me and grow beautifully

8 days later:

11 days:

13 days:

17 days after I noticed the new growth, the new leaf grew and unfurled

Had a virtual chat with someone on Instagram and was reminded that I’ve had my Rhapidophora tetrasperma for a year! She’s definitely one of the most easy-going foliage plant that I own But the newest leaf is abit small, and there are many “maybes” that I formulated but cannot pinpoint exactly what yet. I hope the next leaf will be able to give me some clue! Or I might take one of the actions I’m guessing she needs and see how it goes
