#mini smut



Summary: Anthony must suffer through a heat with a mentally compromised Kate. 

Author’s Note: THANK YOUUUUUU to everyone who commented on my first chapter, I really appreciate all the love and support y'all are showing. I have only written for kdramas for a veeeeeery long time and I was so nervous to venture out but the welcome I have received from this fandom has been amazing.  I promise to reply to your comments soon, I just wanted to get this chapter out in a timely fashion. A bit shorter than the last but please keep in mind that I had planned on this all being a really long one-shot but it became too long I decided to break it up into chapters. I told myself I would avoid chaptered fics until I was on break in the summer but Kanthony makes me lose my senses clearly. Anywho please be patient with me, I am winging this entire story and trying not to spend my entire spring break typing on a computer screen (plus I just received my copy of the Viscount who loved me and I eagerly waiting to read that) Not sure when next update will be but comments are like nectar to me so feel free to encourage and support me!

 The end of her fever is the worst of her experience, having him so close and then suddenly being cast aside makes her body yearn for his touch even more passionately, obsessively. That night she imagines carnal things she has never encountered but she desperately wants nonetheless, his body heavy on her own, crushing her into the mattress and his lips enveloping her own as they writhe and undulate against each other like animals in heat. She feels shame, deep born curdling embarrassment that despite his apparent repulsion she still wanted him, desired him so desperately that she could not stop her fingers from exploring, plunging and rapidly stroking her wet heat as whispers of his name tumbled from her panting mouth.

She was lost in passion as she imagined him leering at her as he licked down her stomach, hot tongue swirling in her navel before blowing cool air on the damp skin. He would keep her gaze as he descended so low she would barely see that despicable grin as he pried her legs open and gasped at the fluids coating her thighs. Her fever had made her moister than she knew possible, juices all but sloshing down her thighs in rivets, if she were in her right mind she would have been ashamed at her body’s over-excitement and debauchery. 

“I fear I might drown my Lady." 

He would whisper against her soaked cunt, using two thick fingers to open her wide and with a rakish grin he dived right in contrary to his teasing, slurping as he drank all she had to offer holding her hips down as she convulsed uncontrollably on the soiled bedding. 

"Anthony! Anthon-" 

Her voice is lost as he suddenly pistons two digits inside her with no preamble forcing her virgin hole to accommodate more than it ever has before. Propriety all but eviscerated she clawed at her mattress and writhed in his tight grip unable to move her hips as she desired because of his unbreakable hold. He held her against the bed as he plunged those deliciously long fingers in and out at a pace she could not not keep up with, like a race that he was determined to best her in. 

She was all jumbled words and cries to deities as he licked her steadily incorporating more fingers until her quim was being spread so widely she feared it might never return to its original condition. Her end was near, she could tell from the twitch in her legs and the blinding pleasure coursing through her veins and she almost cried when he stopped suddenly, eyes snapping open and widening upon seeing his chin resting on her pelvis as he absently stroked her folds. 

"Come for me, darling." 

She was not one to take orders; not from anyone regardless of their age or status but especially men who thought too highly of themselves. But she was powerless against him, his eyes demanding that she obey him and before she could even decide her fate she was already falling off the precipice he had placed her on, crashing back down to the earth body contorting so painfully she feared she would bring serious harm to herself. 

When she is finally able to open her eyes bringing back to the front of her face, he is no more. Never there to begin with, merely a figment of her deranged imagination and the disgust that washes over her is palpable and all-consuming. 

The fever is all but gone the next day, but the shame stays with her. She covers all the mirrors in her room unable to look at the depraved harlot she has become. Her damned orientation has made her into. She almost begins to understand his hatred of her kind. Self-hate eating at her esteem until she feels smaller than a dust mite.

She knows not how she will face him after having such salacious imaginings about him.  Surely, he will be able to take one glance at her and know what she has been doing, her indecent acts and thoughts all but painted on her face. 

However, her worries were for naught because it becomes clear that he wants nothing to do with her. His presence is notably missing when Mary can no longer ignore invitations from Lady Bridgerton and all three of them go to the Bridgerton house for tea and an afternoon meal. 

She is on edge the entirety of the carriage ride, legs bouncing in time with the palpitations of her heart. 

"Do you wish to return? I can tell Lady Bridgerton that you are unwell and we delay this engagement." 

But she grows tired of running and wallowing in her own pity. No. It is high time to rip the bandage off the wound and face the consequences of her actions. 

The act of wanting such an unreasonable man. 

Lady Bridgerton greets them at the door, unusual behavior from someone of her stature but the footman appears to be used to her and does not falter as she opens the door for them herself. 

"Please come inside, Miss Sharma it is such a relief to see you well. Your mother told me of your sudden illness, I pray you received the fruits we sent." 

The fruits were shared amongst Mary and Edwina, her stomach refusing to consume the offering. They were tainted by the look of contempt that Antho-, no Lord Bridgerton had shot her way before racing from her like a bat out of hell. 

"I thank you for thinking of me Lady Bridgerton, you are too kind. The fruits were scrumptious and well enjoyed.” That much was true, it was not of significance whom they were actually enjoyed by. 

Lady Bridgerton nodded amicably before guiding them to the sitting room where a maid had already laid out a tea service and they engaged in pleasantries and light conversation. 

 Days go by without Lord Bridgerton making an appearance and she can feel his absence in her skin. Festering like a wound that has been left unattended. 

 Absence does not in fact make the heart grow fonder; it rather has the inverse effect on her each day that passes without the eldest Bridgerton reappearing. The rest of the Bridgerton clan is mum on the topic and she gets the unsettling feeling that Lady Bridgerton knows exactly what has transpired between them, with her solemn looks and lips set in a mirthless smile revelation enough. Life goes on as expected, the Bridgertons now a staple part of their lives in England despite her ill-fated relationship with a certain Viscount. Mary offers to sever ties with the boisterous bunch but she cannot bring herself to discard the lot due to one sore rotten apple. Especially when said apple no longer attends any of their meetings or gatherings, but she has been humiliated enough without asking about his whereabouts so she pretends not to notice. 

And instead of crying and breaking as her body so pathetically yearns to. She decides to make good on her promise to Edwina: she would ensure that her sister could marry for love and not throw herself against the feet of the highest bidder as a sacrificial lamb. 

She attends more balls, casting smiles at men who appraise her body with newfound interest. She knows that it is only word of her new status that garners this appeal but she is beyond caring, she will be the offering instead of Edwina. At least her sister’s affections were returned. Although she still cannot categorize her feelings for the Viscount, he was a source of vexation for her foremost and she had never experienced love before to know if that was abnormal or a commonality. But she decides the best course of action is finding someone who is the complete opposite so her life will be filled with pleasant days without headaches. 

And that is where Thomas Dorset makes his appearance. He had formerly seemed hesitant to approach her particularly when the Lord was residing by her side as he was wont to do at these gatherings. But as Lord Bridgerton continues to avoid these events he grows more and more bold, a frequent name on her dance card and she finds that he is the complete contrary to the Viscount. 

Even-tempered. Kind. Polite. Conversing with him comes with ease and he does nothing that causes her head or heart aches. 

His beta status is optimal, he will not be able to induce her heats or be compromised by them. She does not feel it important to mention her connection with Lord Bridgerton, it was not something that she had control over and it would be of no consequence to their relationship. She would never be able to love him but his intention did not necessitate true affection, merely companionship.  

“I long for someone to be content with. I am of the belief that marriage is no different to friendship and we have always been good friends no?" 

She finds no errors in his statement and when he proposes marriage days later she smiles gently but does not respond, not yet something holding her back, but she is happy that she will be able to keep her promise to Edwina. She will marry Thomas Dorset and be faithful to him, she ignores the pain in her chest. He accepts her silence and when he reaches out to hold her hand as they walk along the promenade she only barely resists the urge to pull away, her body crying out for another. 

She smothers the traitorous urge. 

 "Thomas Dorset proposed to me today. I intend on accepting." 

Mary and Edwina both freeze at her calm statement turning to look at her as if she has told them that she wishes to fly to the moon. 

"What do you mean? Kate you cannot, your mate is Lor-" 

Edwina’s eyes grow larger at their mother’s outburst and she hates that her sister now knows as well, it was enough that Mary knew about her weakness. 

She slams her tea cup down on the table startling them both and Newton who bolts up from his nap against her leg. She reaches down to rub his soft fur in apology and hums as he settles back against her, his warmth needed as a cold chill fills the room. 

"I have no mate. I am no slave to my body and he has made it abundantly clear that I am not who he wants. He despises our kind and his disdain is mutual. I too want nothing to do with him." 

Edwina looks back and forth between them as she stares defiantly at the woman who has raised her like a mother. 

"Didi, you do not have to do this for my sake. I can marry in your stead, Bagwell is not my mate but merely someone whose company I enjoy. I implore you to reconsider." 

"I will not. I enjoy Thomas’s company as well. He is kind and we have similar interests, we have even spoken about returning to India together. I am certain that he will make me content for all my days, it is not only for you Bon. I am making no sacrifice, fear not." 

Mary looks lost as she stares deeply into her eyes and she prays that she will not see the true contents of her heart. Her head may be strong but her heart is still weak but she will strengthen it by continuing to silence wayward thoughts about Lord Bridgerton. 

"He will never be able to ease your heats. You will suffer each time and call out for the one who belongs to you." 

She scoffs at the threat, at its emptiness and irony. Lord Bridgerton has done nothing to ease her suffering, while her body’s suffering was a physiological phenomenon the aching in her heart was solely attributed to him. Surely her body would recognize it had been rejected eventually and these damned heats would cease and desist. Her body could not be as cruel to punish her for being matched with someone who would rather die than be with her. 

"I will handle them on my own, it is my cross to bear." 

Nobody argues with her any further and she silently escapes to her room, head full of doubts and fears. 

  The next morning, she wakes in a familiar pool of her own perspiration pleading to the heavens but to no avail the heat torments over her like a persistent storm. 

    He has never seen an Omega this deep in their heat, Kate is temptation brought to life and he gulps harshly at the sight before him. Her hair is loose and disheveled, a dark halo around her head as she squirms on the bed thankfully still clothed, although only a thin nightdress covers her modesty and the sweat on her body makes it cling to her in a manner that makes his mouth dry as paper made of sand. The scent of lily is thick and consuming, each breath he inhales takes him higher and higher into nirvana until the distance between them is torturous and he cannot stay away for another second. 

Knees buckling with each heavy step he brings himself closer to Kate and as the space between them lessens she starts to whine loudly, tucking at her dress until a deafening tear reaches his ears and suddenly her chest is bare before him, dark peaks jiggling as she twists on the bed sitting up and meeting his eyes as if possessed. He makes to move to her, half-naked and sinful his own body powerless to resist her when he has nothing but want for her singing in his blood. A lone growl interrupts his strides and he brings his gaze down to the pressure against the cuff of his trousers, groaning at the ball of fur tugging at the cloth. He cannot control his inner Alpha, Kate all but searing his sense and sensibility away until he has forgotten his own name. He will surely look back on this moment with regret but he lowers himself down to the small canine and releases a warning growl so deep and guttural that the poor thing cowers in fear, ears flattening against its head before racing away from the predator before it. 

The air shifts around him in wake of his growl, arousal blending dangerously with lily and soap. A most inebriating combination. 

"Anthony, please. I need….I need….please." 

He jumps at her use of his name, his real name not his title. She has always made a point never to call him by his first despite his prior insistence. 

But upon closer inspection he observes her eyes squeezed shut as she touches herself feverishly, pinching her own nipples and rutting against a pillow. He yearns to fling the object aside and take its place, pry her legs open and see just how wet and lush she has become for him, because of him. 

It’s her next words that halt him in his place. Render him useless and bring him the deepest regret. 

"I hate you. I wish I could rid myself of this want for you." 

Her lips are pulled tight in a snarl that contrasts with the whine of her body as she chases pleasure her hands disappearing under her dress.

Then that moment of consciousness is burned away as she descends into the fiery depths of her heat.  

She switches between sweet pleas for him and passionate curses against him. A war between her body and heart. 

When it appears that she might hurt herself in her wild contortions, he moves across the room ignoring his own depraved body’s plea to sit on the floor beside her. Her scent all but slaps him in the face and his cock that became hard upon entry in the room hardens more until he fears he might bore a hole in his trousers. 

He takes a deep breath and then coughs before covering his mouth with a kerchief from the breast pocket of his waistcoat. The cloth smells clean but does little to block out Kate’s intoxicating pheromones wafting in the air. He deigns it a matter of utmost importance to lobby short breaths through his mouth. Centering himself he bypasses his own arousal and desire to start releasing calming waves, this is all he can do to help her. Attempt to soothe the tempest that rages in her body. 

At first it does nothing to qualm her cries and he has to cover his ears too in a futile attempt to block out the wet sounds of her touching herself adjacent to him. He cannot help but to imagine her pretty cunt drenched in fluids, his mouth dehydrated and longing for a drink. But he reins in his arousal pushing the desire to soothe and protect her to the forefront and finally, finally he feels her still beside him her movements calming until she is quiet, her loud moans morphing into low whimpers. 

"I am here Kate, you are safe. Your Alpha is here now and I will never abandon you again. I am no longer scared of this, you are my Omega and I will protect you." 

He has no way of knowing if she comprehends his promises but she edges closer to him reaching out blindly and sighing with a sweet noise of content as he grabs her hand in return. His eyes soften as she settles down, almost hanging off her bed to be near him, this is the best that can be done since there is no way that he can join her atop. 

He watches enthralled as she falls into a deep sleep, grip still tight on his hand as if worried that he will disappear. 

"I am here.” He whispers softly to her beautiful sleeping face, her dark skin is coated in a sheen of sweat that makes her glisten with the glow of the moonlight piercing through her window. 

He adjusts himself with a hiss, wishing he had donned looser fitting trousers before making himself comfortable on her floor, sleep sneaking up on him like a thief in the night robbing his consciousness. 

  The next morning, a clipped knock at the door wakes him from his slumber and he rubs sleep from his eyes and slowly turns to Kate terrified of her reaction to him being here but to his relief and disappointment she is once again coated in a sheen of perspiration. The sun has barely risen and she is suffering another bout from her heat, his heart aches for her wishing there was more he could do but knowing that sex would only be a temporary cure that would drive her further away once her senses returned. It would be no better than rape and he was no assailant. If and when they partook in such carnal activities he would be certain that she wanted him as badly as he desired her. Heart and body. 

“Lord Bridgerton?”

The curt voice of the eldest Lady Sharma breaks him from his thoughts. 

“May I enter? The maids are here to tend to Kate, you must also require sustenance." 

He clears his throat, rubbing roughly at his face before standing and wincing at the cracks and pops in his knees. After a moment to collect him he finally calls out. 

"You may enter." 

The door remains closed for a few more seconds before Lady Mary peeks her head in quite nervously, looking first at Kate and then at him. She looks surprised and then pleased, a small smile adorning her face before she enters the room. Kate’s maids enter too with a small pail of water and rugs. 

He doesn’t question her, moving to a lone seat in the corner of the room turning his body to give them some semblance of privacy despite seeing much of her the night before, he had woken once in the death of night and upon seeing her shiver wrapped her up in a blanket covering her bare breasts and naked back. 

"Her night dress?" 

It takes a moment to realize that he is being spoken to, he clears his throat before replying. "She became agitated and tore it." 

He understands her surprise now, realizes what she expected when she allowed him to enter a room with her unmated Omega daughter in heat. 

"I will not touch her. She is not of her mind and I will not take advantage of her." 

By law, as her chosen Alpha he would compromise her and force her to wed him upon the end of her heat but to do such an unsavory downright dastardly act makes him nauseous to consider. 

"It will be hard to resist. She will beg and plead day and night. No one would fault you for it." 

That is besides the point,  he could never look himself in the eyes or consider himself a gentleman if he performed such an heinous crime. To many he was a barely reformed rake but he wanted to be someone worthy in Kate’s eyes. He cared not what others thought but her opinion of him was all that mattered. He would resist her and prove that he was more than his base desires, prove that what he felt for her was more than lust. All he had ever felt for the opposite sex was that fleeting emotion, she was the first to make me feel something deeper and he owed her her dignity was this was over. 

"I will not touch her.” He repeats, firm and resolute leaning no room for argument. 

Lady Mary is silent behind him, Kate’s soft moans are the sole sound in the room but without the cloud-like aroma of Kate’s scent he can feel her mother’s light scent of approval. He readies himself for another challenging day, already switching to breathing through his mouth as Kate’s heat begins to rise once more. 

   It it torture, plain and simple. 

She pleads for him until her throat is hoarse, his scent barely working with her reaching her peak and unlike the day before she is ravenous. Throwing herself at him and suckling at his neck like a baby nursing. Each time she leaves the bed he carries her back laying her down and placing cool rugs left by Mary against her skin, her mother can no longer enter the room because now Kate views her as a threat, as competition for his attention. He was still trying to erase the memory of her licking the glands protruding from his neck and attempting to grab the hard length between his thighs when Mary had tried to enter the room with more wash clothes, it took Herculean strength to stop her as a scandalized Mary quickly slammed the door shut. 

“Please, hold me. I need you, please. Alpha, I beg thee." 

That does it. She has been pleading for hours, tempting him with bare skin and sultry words but never had she called him that. Others have tried to manipulate him in the past with that title it was useless against him, he was no slave to his body but hearing her utter those words, recognize him as her Alpha. He is crossing the room before his body can catch up with his thoughts. 

He wraps her up in his arms grateful that she had not destroyed her clothes this time, a mere night gown was all she wore but it was enough to keep his head clear. 

"Alpha, alpha, please. Closer, more." 

She slots in perfectly against him leaving not even a breadth of space between them. Her hair sticks to his skin, damp and sticky with the heat wafting off her. 

"Hush, this is enough." 

He reaches out with a tentative hand, patting her head in slow strokes mesmerized by the softness of her hair; almost like spun silk. She hums gently before nuzzling into his neck once more rubbing at his gland, his gland that has not been touched ever before. Alphas only reveal their glands to their mates, if she were to bite him there and he bit her in return they would be mated for life. 

Lord, how he wants that. Wants the very thing he spent most of his adult life running from like a coward. With her, only her. 

He stills as she starts to press wet kisses against his neck, then lick the skin sucking gently at his gland making all his blood rush south and his head swim with arousal but it is not until he feels her teeth grazing against him that he pushes her way, putting much necessary distance between them. 

"No, no, no. I need you! Don’t push me away!" 

This time her outbursts are accompanied by fat tears that stream down her lovely face, she looks utterly heartbroken and he nearly gives in to her devastated by her break down. 

"Kate, please. Do not cry, this is not what you want. Do not cry darling, this will all be over soon." 

But her sobs only intensify and he starts to feel an itch under his skin, his inner Alpha roaring to come out, to comfort its Omega his body wrestling between his instincts and his logic. It is his job to protect her, against all things even this fever. He is both the cause and the balm to her ailment. He cannot sit idly by as his Omega weeps and pleads with him for relief, everything in him is warring against his inaction: demanding that he do something, anything to bring comfort to the trembling body in his arms. 

So he makes a rash decision, one might even say a foolish choice. But for her, he will humble himself because he cannot imagine life without her now. She owns all of him, heart and soul. Scary stuff, but undeniable. 

Carefully, he wipes away her tears and brings her face back to its previous location, smothered in his neck and instantly she perks up sniffing and licking at his skin. He groans deeply as she tugs him closer, throwing a leg over his thigh and grinding against him with her soaked center. 

"Alpha, please. Let me, please. I need you." 

He was always fighting a losing battle with her. 

"Yes, my Omega. Have me.” He takes a huge breath, wondering if he will regret his next words. 

“Bite me." 

And she does not hesitate not even for a second, he acquiesces releasing her shoulders as she surges forward and sinks blunt teeth into the overly sensitive bundle of skin. There is no turning back now. 

He soars, melting into her arms as she pushes him flat against the bed straddling him as she bites deeper and his blood starts to dribble down his neck. He groans as she laps at the wound with an eager tongue, it will heal on its own in due time but her saliva will aid its healing. 

With his eyes slammed shut he does not notice her lifting up and pressing her neck against his mouth until it’s too late. His eyes snap open, the scent of lilies is potent there and he moves forward blindly rubbing his nose against the skin before sticking out his tongue for a long awaited taste. 


She tastes like the finest spices and he cannot stop once he has started, sucking harder until he is certain a mark will form in its wake. She is a hellion atop him, pressing her neck harder against him while dragging her cunt across his clothed cock in a move that would surely place him inside her if her underthings were not protecting her virginity.

"Take me Alpha." 

He feels lightheaded, considering if she means for him to bite her or fuck her. Both are too much for him to handle, and his teeth begin to ache in anticipation. One bite and she will be his, forever

It is so tempting. 

Now that he has her mating bite, he can never take another. He solely belongs to her, with her. 

He should feel terrified at the power he has placed in her hands, but instead he feels free, fear will no longer stop him from living. 

"Bite me." 

She presents her neck and with a whine he rushes forward, twisting his head before biting down, hard. With all his might. 

    Her heat ends shortly after, the night is sweltering but by morn her temperature begins to return to normal. It is finally over, he has survived her heat. She looks exhausted laying next to him, her hair a tangled mess around her and her clothes stuck to her skin. 

He has never seen anyone so exquisite. It is a struggle but he leaves her, certain that Mary and the maids will tend to her. Her too sweet scent is no longer permeating the house. 

He sneaks out before her fever fog clears, the blushing maids in the hall evading his eyes as he stalks down the hall. 

"You mated with her." 

Lady Danbury greets him in the pathway, eyeing the sore skin with clear indentations of teeth around the edges. She looks disappointed but not shocked by this finding, probably the only other person residing in the house who will understand his unbelievable plight. She was absent during Kate’s entire heat because as an Alpha it was dangerous for them both to be here with her so deep in her fever, he could have seen her as a threat and challenged her. 

Sometimes their senses were ridiculous, he admitted. 

"Are you sure you did the right thing?” She continues a deep frown in her wrinkled skin. 

He is not. His head is filled with uncertainties, especially with Kate now minutes from returning to her senses but he did what was necessary in the moment. 

“I need a bandage." 

She shakes her head in resignation before calling out to one of her servants to send for the doctor. She looks like she would rather watch him bleed out on the floor. 

  But he is guided to an empty guest room where his wounds are treated, no medicine is applied because it could interfere with the bond but the area is wiped and cleaned then wrapped in a thick bandage. 

"What happened to your hand?" 

He stares down at his bleeding hand, his own teeth marks sunken deep into the thin skin between his thumb and his index finger. 
