

Miqomarch Day 14 - Snow

“Absolutely hate the stuff, but even then, I can’t deny its beauty.”

Miqomarch Day 9 - Class

“To think that I’d find myself akin to those whom I once studied… Let’s just hope I’m not destined for the same great fall.”

Miqomarch Day 2 - Family

“Four sons? All in a row? Damn, that Nhadro matriarch really is something special.”
“All of ‘em grew up to be something formidable too, just like their mother… 'cept one, I heard the third was something of an early birth. Weak n’ feeble, the whole nine yards.”
“Wonder whatever happened to 'im…”

Miqomarch Day 1 - NOT ASelfie

“See, look? I’m smiling. Now can you please just take your photo and leave me be?”

I posted this over on my Twitter, but it was requested it be posted on Tumblr as well, so this March

I posted this over on my Twitter, but it was requested it be posted on Tumblr as well, so this March, join us for #MiqoMarch! Here’s a list of fun prompts for all my miqo’te friends to do every day of March!

Please tag your posts #MiqoMarch so everyone can see your awesome miqo’te!

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