


and i’ve been thinkin about it lately does it ever drive you crazy thinking about those 10 years and all that must’ve occured during them and about the grief the girls experienced because they left so much behind they left behind family and friends and an entire world they came to love and how they must have held on to each other for at least a few weeks after their return and how they probably absolutely refused to be seperated because no one else would understand their nightmares and sorrow and no one else could be spoken to about their fondest memories of amphibia except each other and how hard how fucking hard it must have been when the time for marcy to move came and how they would have hugged each other so so tight and cried and promised and maybe how for the first few weeks after marcy moves anne and sasha call her every night and the three of them fall asleep on call together because they’re still grieving but slowly they start to heal and slowly the nightmares occur less and less often and slowly they figure themselves out and slowly they can loosen their hold on each other and slowly time passes and they grow and they drift apart but they never ever truly lose touch and even though it becomes very rare sometimes the nightmares come back sometimes the grief flares up and even if they haven’t spoken to each other in months they reach out again and it’s all familiar and safe and comforting and they get matching tattoos of their gems and they choose each other again and again and again because they love each other so so much and that love never ever fades and neither does their love for amphibia even though it’s been ten years ten whole years since they’ve last set foot in a world that would become so much a part of them to the point where they honor and remember it in jacket patches and careers and stories they tell and


the only piece of foreshadowing i never took seriously was the only one that mattered. go figure


*through tears* WE STAYED TUNED!!!! AND WE WON!!!!!

i love u little people in my phone

[star guardian universe]

jinx’s favorite movie is lilo & stitch. she first saw the movie when she was 7 years old after vi stole the dvd from some random store on a whim. they would watch it on an almost daily basis together - jinx saw herself in lilo as well as stitch, and vi related to nani, for obvious reasons. the movie became a huge source of comfort for both of them. after jinx befriends lux, she insists on watching it with her during several of their sleepovers.

however, when their world gets turned upside down and vi goes to jail, the CD gets lost amidst all the chaos. even when she discovers piracy, jinx refuses to watch it again, because it’s too painful. but on an especially bad night, she goes over to lux’s. nothing lux does seems to really make jinx feel better, though, so lux decides to take a chance and plays the movie (not via piracy, unfortunetly. she finds it on a legal streaming site. also, she asks jinx first, to make sure it’s alright). despite crying the entire way through, jinx does feel a bit calmer. she slowly starts finding comfort in the movie again, especially while watching it with lux.

when vi gets out of jail, things are hard and awkward and healing takes time, but one day, when vi is particularly upset, jinx starts the movie, and they watch it together, just like old times. they end up finally properly talking about things as the credits roll

(bonus: lux has bought jinx a stitch plushie that jinx cherishes with all her heart)

i’m sadly out of my try guys era if it isn’t obvious but omg i’m looking thru my drafts & i have some random unposted things…debating whether or not i should post 

well??iseugene my soulmate? 

i was scrolling thru my blog & remembered i had a beautiful lipstick anon who sent me the sweetest things..lipstick anon….i don’t know where u are…but i hope u are doing well…i am thinking of ur kindness & beauty to this day. hope ur thriving queen x

i watched my first try guys video in literally months (the lie detector pt 2 one) and i think i just got the biggest hit of serotonin ever
