





I swear, learning how to easily tell if you are deficient in salt has been Groundbreaking in learning how to care for my body.

For the uninitiated, if you feel dizzy or weirdly tired, or you cant seem to hydrate properly, no matter how much water you drink, you may easily be lacking salt.

Yes salt! The thing everyone tells you to try and minimize as much as possible. You are likely not getting enough, and there is an easy way to test it:

Go into you kitchen and grab some plain salt, flaky or fine preferably, since rough salt has less surface area, but it still works, just slower.

Grab a pinch of it and just drop it on your tongue, and let it dissolve on it. What does it taste like? This is just salt. Does it taste kinda mild? Slightly savoury even and actually quite good? Could you easily go for another pinch, just for the taste? You probably should, cause that’s your body telling you i Wants More Salt, it Neeeds it!

Do that a couple times over the next few hours, letting your body adjust in the meantime, until it suddenly tastes Too Salty. The same amount of salt, suddenlt tasting quite different, too salty, unpleasant, bad. Thats a sign that you no longer need more salt.

For me it took like two days from barely tasting the salt, to feeling much better and suddenly not wanting more salt.

This has recently helped me so much, why was i not taught this super simple but useful way to check in with my bodily needs?

Signs of low salt can also include nausea, headache, and muscle weakness. Seizures can also happen, but being aware these other symptoms can be signs of low salt and taking corrective action makes that less likely to happen. Also, over-hydrating yourself can cause low salt, but were going into summer so stay hydrated, but eat salt!

Reduced salt levels was the first side-effect they warned me off with my new meds. Its not something you want to fuck around and find out about.

#salt is good and we need it to live#this whole fatphobic eat clean healthy living as a cult mentality has fucked with us a bit I think#we’re afraid to eat things we need to actually stay alive 

Fucking THIS!!!!!!

okay the tags added at the bottom are definitely onto something but folks…the salt lick test is not a thing, nor is it based on any science or fact

this is made up and worded to seem like it’s a scientifically accurate test when it just isn’t. please fact check statements like these before sharing them around, eating pure salt until you feel sick of it is not going to help you help identify or eliminate a deficiency of sodium.

absolutely the idea that salt must be avoided at all costs is dangerous, but so is misinformation. I know this isn’t the usual content of my blog but I had to say something
