


got Igor a ball to play with in the shower now

[VD: a roan ferret rolls on his back in the shower, juggling a yellow ball with holes in his front paws. his back feet bat against the floor and shuffle him around. eventually he loses his grip on the ball, and he walks toward the camera. /end VD]


big guy enjoying tummy rubs

[VD: video of a roan ferret lying on his back with his front paws raised in the air. he’s lying between a wall and a folded metal playpen fence. the person taking the video reaches down and rubs his tummy, then stops when it almost appears that the ferret has fallen asleep. he hasn’t moved at all during the video except for in the beginning when he licked his lips. /end VD]

an avantage of ferts that peple donot ofen talkabout is their extremly high tumy to body ratio. a fert tumtum has the rubability of an aminal twice their size
