#miss kimber

goreanmann: “Okay girls! Like everybody stick together ‘n’ stuff. Listen! Learning to function ‘n’ f


Okay girls! Like everybody stick together ‘n’ stuff. Listen! Learning to function ‘n’ flirt in a public setting is like an important part of becoming a bimbo. Most Guys don’t want like a complete idiot for a bimbo. Some guys will even expect you to do grocery shopping ‘n’ stuff! …Ashley!!! Back over here with the group sweetie! …I know it’s pretty, butt… Look don’t make me tell Miss Kimber on you! *sigh*

Kay! Where was i? Oh yeah! Like shopping! If you wanna be able to go shopping ‘n’ stuff ya gotta like keep focused on what you’re there ta buy, and not forget where your Master lives. It’s like really scary if you get lost or something, somebody really mean ‘n’ scary might find you, and make you do all kids of sick ‘n’ perverted stuff. …like wear baggy pants, or a mumu or sumthin!

So like everybody stick together ‘n’ like Miss Kimber said I could buy everybody lipstick on the school’s credit card. *giggle*

…Dammit samantha! get back… Okay fine get His number ‘n’ get back to the group. We’re never gonna get there at this rate.

(A big thanks goes out to bouncy bubbly who submitted this sexy pic. Without her help School Girl September would not be possible.)

Flashback Friday: This originally appeared on this blog 09/15/2014

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