#missy rambles


Okayyy all rabbit parents!! I need y’all to hmu and tell me about your experience when your fur baby was between 6 months to a year old! My lovebun has gotten so broody recently he’s constantlyspending time under my bed and I rarely ever see him anymore! My bun has never been skittish or shy! He’s a climber more than a hider!

I read that apparently this is kind of like their marked teen years and they’re more reclusive around this age due to figuring out their place in the hierarchy, but I was just wondering if that was true I guess haha! What was it like for your guys bun during this age? My bun is also fixed by the way and it is a male!

Hmm the more I look at chapter 12, the more I feel very strongly that it’s gonna be a bit shorter and more filler-ish ‍♀️‍♀️‍♀️ which makes me feel bad because I like to compensate with long chapters when y’all have to wait for more then a month I do have some more exciting content I could put in the chapter but like…I figured I’d save it because chapter 13 is ummm…VERY eventful to say the least

Only tangentially related to my last reblog, but it reminded me: I hate the idea that we’re not allowed to marvel at something more than once. The idea that, once we’ve seen or know something, the specialness is gone. The idea that, now that you know, it is what it is, and nothing more, nothing special.

I mentioned to my dad last night that I thought it was cool having the AeroGarden because you can visibly see the way plants reach up towards the light when it’s on and then relax once it turns off.

His response? An incredulous nod and “Yes? That’s what plants do.”

Obviously I knowthat’s what plants do but it’s still cool! Am I not allowed to marvel at it after I’ve discovered it for the first time? Are sunsets not still breathtaking once you’ve seen them more than twice? Do people not point out the full moon or the stars or the aurora borealis even though they’ve seen them upwards of thousands of times?

Whether someone is discovering or realizing something for the first time, or it’s something they’ve seen/known for decades, I think marveling at things over and over should be encouraged. Please, please continue to find the world beautiful and strange and amazing. Please repeat fun facts over and over even if you’re pretty sure you’ve said them already. Please point out the beauty of the moon or of flowers. Please laugh about the silly thing your pet did even though they’ve done it a thousand times. Please amaze at the complexity or simplicity of tiny animals, and at the realization that giant animals exist.

Seeing a sunset once doesn’t stop it from being beautiful the second, third, or thousandth time. And that’s true of everything.

Said I’d draw SOMETHING, so have a jabot i guess sdfghjkl

Dinner, and then I draw

Draw waht, idk, but something >:3c

Me checking my transplanted plants mere hours after planting them: Well they didn’t die immediately, so I’ll take that as a good sign

Im so close to almost finished with this drawing (at least the sketch) but i have no idea what to have Dal’s hands/arms doing sdfghjkl

I did 50 wall push ups and suddenly my full soda can is heavy

Mom’s going to need surgery soon for a colon abscess and i am. worried

her doctors have been really dismissive of her lately (not about this but in general) and this is like. something you REALLY shouldn’t dismiss. it got big really fast and she puts pressure on it every time she sits, and idk when they’re going to get her in

Yesterday vs Today

Baby trap has grown its teeth!! They grow up so fast

Weirdest acquired taste I’ve.. well, acquired: the taste of soda while I have mint gum in my mouth

HUZZAH the order finally went through

you know why it worked?

because i prayed

I said “Dear Chipotle gods, or food gods, or whatever, please let this order go through because I’m hungry and the burrito was really good last time. I really want a burrito. please? please pleas plea–Amen” in my head while my hands were clasped

try it, it really works

all the time i was going to spend drawing has been spent trying to strangle a burrito out of chipotle

Why are delivery services such a pain to use tho…..

seems like we always gotta go through like 4 before one works. my dad’s been through 2-3 services and always run into an issue, and i just tried doordash with my account but doordash.. doesnt deliver chipotle apparently

nooooooooooo the ONE chipotle close enough to deliver is not taking online orders atm

I am not dressed to go out…..

we’re ordering Chipotle for dinner and i realized that even though I knowChipotle is spelled withoutan L in front of the T, when I say it out loud I tend to say it like.. chi-polt-lay

ER: Just tell the surgeon that we sent you here from the ER and he’ll make an appointment for you

Mom: We tried to make an appointment before, he couldn’t get us in. That’s why we’re here at all. What if he doesn’t take us?

ER: Oh, no, he will! Just tell him we sent you and he’ll make room to see you on Tuesday

Mom: …Okay


Mom: Hey the ER sent us to get in with the surgeon

Receptionist: Sorry, he doesn’t have any available openings

Mom: But the ER said he would make an opening… It says right here on the paperwork to tell you

Receptionist: No, he can’t take you unless you were in the Trauma Unit

Mom: But–

Receptionist: I’’ve called two other doctors and one says he can schedule an appointment for the 15th :)


I’m so mad. Why does no one communicate with each other????

Rain has arrived! I think im going to go take a shower (in the actual shower, not the rain), then get some comfy clothes on bc we’re not going anywhere in this rain

A little Outside Time before it rains again

So mom got her wound cleaned and looked at and repacked at the ER on Sunday

And they told her to make an appointment with the surgeon to do any further check ups (yknow, the surgeon who wasn’t able to get her an appointment before, which is why she went to the ER in the first place)

She said ok, hoping maybe that’d changed, and tried to call the surgeon today. They said they can’t get her in. They said unless she was in the trauma unit and it’s an emergency they can’t fit her in to do the packing.

The packing has to be changed every 48 hours to check for purulent build up, and drain anything necessary. It cannot be done at home in confidence. It cannot wait.

So she’s going to have to go back to the ER for the third time. And now she doesn’t have an appointment, so she may have to wait again

And the ER is expensive as fuck for ONE visit

What if I gave my Au Ra… digitigrade scaly feets…..

is that going too far

he already has scales, horns, and a tail. he’s not a vampire in this verse but he can still be a “monster” :3c
