

my toxic trait is that i cannot shake the image of kelsier from mistborn jumping around like spiderman. even now that i know more about how the magic system actually works, i’m stuck with the image i had when i started the book. really wish I could draw this to exorcise it from my brain :sigh:


Since the Mistborn series is the one I have read the least of the cosmere books so far there won’t be a lot of those in my inktober line-up. I only have vague recollection of scenes from reading them like five years ago. (although I do want to reread soon…)

But thinking about some of the upcoming prompts I do want draw Wax and Steris for one of them, since their slowly evolving romance is something that I remember liking a great deal.

So last night I scribbled a Steris, just because I felt like it and because I remember enjoying her character from the start.
