#mists art my beloved



Character reference sheet - Ernest Frankenstein

It was about time the boy got a proper reference sheet and finally I managed to get a proper one

Note: this is like default most casual clothes, he usually wears a coat that’s typically mid- to dark blue, or dark brown. At the beginning of the voyage mostly wears darker, dull colors and over time starts returning back to lighter and more saturated ones because ~symbolism~

Note 2: The cane is mostly as a just-in-case if he gets short of breath but most of the time he kinda just carries it around as was the custom back then. When aboard a ship he rarely ever uses it since he can just sit on the nearest barrel or lean on the railing if he needs to. But it’s very important because 1. Ferret and 2. another sword inside

Note 3: the dagger is traced from a photo because there’s no way I’d ever draw it accurately

Anyway yeah
The tired boi himself
