#mitch anderson

Ok look, I have this theory that Mitch would suffer from occasionalPTSD-Insomnia and often watch o

Ok look, I have this theory that Mitch would suffer from occasional
PTSD-Insomnia and often watch over Scorpion sleeping because he would sleep more soundly that way & Mitch can calm him down when he has a screaming nightmare again, while he’d browse the web for dad-jokes or watch old movies on Netwatch and he feels less anxious as well.

Before falling asleep Scorpion would chat with Mitch and ramble and geek out about gaming-stuff and he actually tells Mitch why his name was Scorpion but Mitch wouldn’t really pay attention, because he didn’t know half a thing about games and tunes out as a way of dozing and just goes “yes” “uhuh” “haha cool” So when V asks him about Scorpions name Mitch would go “No idea”…

My brain is stupid. Ignore me.

Hey RED, why are you so horrible to your characters again?

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Not yet! I’m still in a bit of an art-block and also lacking the confidence tbh…
I will definitely write about it here/twitter if I do!
(But I should point out i wont take fanart/lookalike-commissions if so. ;(
Franchise OCs are ok though!)

On a different note, I really want to draw some MitchScorpPam stuff as well in future…

yourblues:more of the pride flag character commissions…… mitch! drawn for @wanderingaldecaldo thank


more of the pride flag character commissions…… mitch!

drawn for @wanderingaldecaldo thank you for letting me do it :D

want your own with a different character or same character but a different flag/pose?

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Ride the Wind Never coming back until I touch the midnight sun Ride the Wind Never coming back until I touch the midnight sun 

Ride the Wind 
Never coming back until I touch the midnight sun 

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 Observerez figé, au milieu d'une rue ensablée Ce qui devient  Le crépuscule

Observerez figé, au milieu d'une rue ensablée 
Ce qui devient
 Le crépuscule

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 PROUD Be proud of who you are, be proud of who you loveBe proud of what you do and never stop creat PROUD Be proud of who you are, be proud of who you loveBe proud of what you do and never stop creat


Be proud of who you are, be proud of who you love
Be proud of what you do and never stop creating!

Have a great pride, chooms

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