#mitsubishi mirage

naturallynaija, detroit, mitsubishi cars, driveshop, mirage

This time in my life has to be the most interesting stage, ever. In the last two years I’ve lived in about four different cities and after a few trips, considered living in many more. For instance, I’m currently sharing my talents in Detroit, MI. While Los Angeles was fun, my sister and I have been working on an organic beauty brand called ILERA Apothecary. We’ve been out for 9 months now and we’ve had some amazing press so far. Before departing Los Angeles, I had the chance to test drive a brand new Mitsubishi Mirage.

naturallynaija, detroit, mitsubishi cars, driveshop, mirage
naturallynaija, detroit, mitsubishi cars, driveshop, mirage

My week with this car was amazing. Not only because the car turned many heads as I drove down the street but, also because it was a week where I finally had mobility. As one can imagine, moving from coast to coast and sometimes around the world is not easy, and bringing a car along with you can get expensive. 

Because of my “get up and go” lifestyle, my expenses are very important and I try to keep them low to save room for more travels. With the Mirage, I was able to ride all around Los Angeles on a full tank of gas, only having to fill up once for less than $20 and with a starting price of $12,995, this car is great for any budget. The push to start flexibility and touch screen navigation provided me the confidence to move around the city without getting lost. For anyone that’s been to Los Angeles, you know that along with traffic, parking is a headache. The Mirage’s compact features, rearview camera and parking sensors allowed me to squeeze into the tightest spaces.

naturallynaija, detroit, mitsubishi cars, driveshop, mirage

While I’m in Detroit, my goal is to not only build ILERA but to also discover the gems of this city, if you have any suggestions on places to check out, shoot me a message! *this is a sponsored post