#mjs dick grayson being a circus kid headcannons


Ok! I love this question about Dick Grayson and the circus from @mynamespeppermint

‘What kinda skills (not counting acrobatics) could he have learned in the circus? And maybe even how they could have helped him fight crime?’

So in Circus there is a lot of basic skills that apply to everything in circus. There’s physical strength. (Especially in trapeze or arielist performers!) Balance and grace would also have really helped him.

In terms of specifics. Dick grayson is shown to use wing-dings and birdarangs quite a bit in crime fighting. In the circus he probably would have learned how to throw knives at a pretty young age, and that would’ve really helped him when he started fighting crime. He may even have corrected Bruce in terms of his throwing stance with the batarangs when he was starting out as Robin.

He also uses Escrima Sticks a LOT. They’re his main weapon afterall. My bet is their weighted pretty simmilarily to juggling clubs or batons since he certainly would’ve learned juggling so young that the action would be as natural as breathing. That would mean he would have a natural grace and elegance when fighting with the ecrisma sticks especially when grabbing them, fijiting with them and especially when shifting his grip on them. He would also probably flip them around a lot when fighting, which could make him slightly unpredictable.

Balance and whole body stregth is immperative for any of the acts that are in the air, like tightrope and flying trapeze. He would’ve already had the strength and saftey tools needed to use a grappling gun and the balance required to stick the landings as well as to run around on the Gotham rooftops.

He’s also a performer by nature, so he would probably be the best with the press and cops after a case and he probably would also get along pretty well with a lot of the rouges when he was younger and he would’ve DESPISED the Joker. For a lot of reasons.

He would also be really good at connecting with victim’s, cause the whole thing with circus is to have people connect with what you do or say.

There’s a lot more as well so I might make another post dedicated to stuff he learned at the circus that would’ve helped him as a hero.

Ok, replying to a question Asked by @shieldmaiden19 “Tell us about the family within the circus - all of Dick’s Tantes, Tia, Nonnos - and how he grew up learning from them.”

And@privateolives who asked ’‘How would his parents have helped train him in the early years? When did he start?’

The circus is a giant mix of cultures, and most people in circus absolutely love the kids who are born at or who live at the circus. Plus circus is a family, so Dick would have a bunch of aunts, uncles, tantes, oncles, tia’s, ect.

He’d have hung out in the tent since ge was a baby, possibly even done some training via being in the baby carrier while his parents trained.

When his parents couldn’t train with him he would’ve stayed with either a side act who they trusted or he would’ve stayed in the tent but been watched by a fellow circus performer who was on break.

He would probably have started learning tricks as young as a year old, and been on training equipment with the other circus performers.

He would’ve spent a lot of time running around the circus and probably knew everybody by name, especially the new guys cause they’re new and interesting.

He probably would spend time training and learning from everyone at the circus and he probably had special things to do when spending time with them and even specific bonding activities with all of them.

What sort of stuff do you guys wanna know about Dick grayson and the circus?

Cause Tbh I’m super excited for my performance coming up. It’ll be my first under the big top show in a while because of an injury that made my cronic pain way worse, so in the spirit of not overdoing myself two weeks before the dress rehearsal for the premiere of a new show I want to do more Dick Grayson Circus Headcannons, but I wanna know what sort of stuff y'all wanna know about.
