#mk imagine



Below is a snippet of a fic I’ve been working on on-and-off the past few months, but this snipp of it was just too good not to share. For reference, this fic is a friends to lovers to enemies fic focused around Shang Tsung back when he first betrays eathrealm and Raiden.

TW Tho!!! This is very bloody, sad, and gory. Angst/no comfort fam. Reader is fem.

Please read it and tell me what you think!!

His blood ran cold.

“What did you say?”

“We-” The soldier gulped, terrified out of his wits. He deserved to be, Shang Tsung thought.

“The sorceress is dead, My lord. We took care of her.” The other speaks up. He holds out your bloodstained amulet, the one he gave you years ago. The once you wore into battle even when you were fighting each other.

Shang Tsung feels his stone cold heart split in the most painful, guttural, bloody way. His face goes pale. He wants to throw up, but instead his hand forms a fist, and he starts to shake out of anger. The soldiers in front of him start to shrink away from pure, raw, fear.

He wanted to say something. He wanted to call them fools. To ask them what the FUCK they were thinking. Yell at them and slaughter them on the spot for going against his fucking rules. They weren’t supposed to kill you. They weren’t. They weren’t. They shouldn’t have killed you. They shouldn’t have TOUCHED you. How the fuck did they manage to kill you, his only equal in witts and strength. How-

Shang Tsung is overcome with anguish, but instead of falling to his knees, or sobbing, he raises a hand to the soldiers. He takes the amulet, and then rips their soul out of their bodies in the most painful way he knew how. He watches their bodies shred under the magic. He revels in their cries of pain as they slowly die.

It was his fault.

He let you die.

He had forgotten that he had removed your magic, temporarily, to keep you from defying him further. Too keep you away from meddling in his war.

And like the fool he was, he left you on a battlefield without any way to defend yourself.

Shang Tsung let the bodies become a horrific slush of meat and bones before him. 

He let you die.

“You’ve been learning the forbidden scrolls.” You had said, frozen in disbelief as it all clicked together. The secrecy, the avoidance. His new lies and arrogance. Your eyes searched his own, and he saw them wrench in agony when he realized he was caught. Shang Tsung stayed silent for a moment, moving to sit you down, but you held onto his arms, refusing.

“It wouldn’t have been written if it shouldn’t have been learned.” He replied to you, almost deperate to make you understand, but not willing to let it show through his voice. You shook your head, tears pin pricking at your waterline. You used his arms again to steady yourself, and took a step back. He held back the urge to follow your touch as you stepped away from him.

“You’re wrong. They’re dangerous. They hurt people. Fuck! Shang Tsung what are you thinking? They will hurt you!” He had scowled at you then, shaking his head. He was disappointed in your rule-abiding nature. Always one to stick to the morals set for the two of you by gods who never knew desperation a day in their life.

“What does it matter? We’re about to enter a killing contest. Our spells hurt people anyway. My priority is keeping myself alive.” He spoke sternly. “Yours should be too. I could teach you-”

“No.” His scowl grew when you interrupted him. He loved you with everything in him, but he believed you to be a fool to be so closed minded to the magic he was studying. You had so much potential, squandered by morals you were convinced to follow.

“We need to be self-sufficient from these Gods, love. Do you think they’d try to save us from the battlefield?” He said, fire burning in his chest. “We are chosen to be death fodder for the generations ahead of us, so why not try to be stronger than the gods themselves-” He cut himself off. He’s said too much.

“… what?” You asked, appaled, terrified. He never wanted to see fear in your eyes. He shaked his head, and stepped closer to hold you close, pressing his forehead to your own.

“Power is everything. Power will save us. Save you, if you want it to. I will do anything to obtain that kind of power.” You went silent, and he can tell you were thinking on his words intently.

“Even lose me?” You had asked after a long pause. Shang Tsung’s breath caught in his through, appaled you would even think of such a thing.

“No. No love. I’d never lose you.”

He had always been a liar. Even when he truly meant the words he spoke.



Here it is!! Takes place along he tome period when Shang Tsung betrays Raiden.

Pairing: Raiden/GN reader

Warning: breif mentions of death, blood, and healing wounds. Also blizzards.

Word count: 2054 (wow!! Most I’ve written in weeks!)



This was Unfortunate. It was all Raiden could think about as he dropped to the muddy ground. The storm raged around the thunder God, not stopping for a moment, even when his blood began to stain the earth. 

Keep reading

AAHHHH!!! at this point I’m just going back through and re-reading all my fics, but this one!!! This one right here!!! AHHH!! It’s gotta be one of my all time favs!!
