

Jasper and the upper Mountains have frozen over for this winter: Different, dangerous, but reagent-heavy creatures inhabit The Hills.

Faren’s presence increased in Seafarer’s Peak and The Hills, making casting of their spells more efficient.

Ants mutated into Mutant Ants in the Badlands.

Mollusk Creatures appear in Source of the River Ille and deep Jasper Sewers.

Living trees, Frogmen and Ants have expanded their territory in the Illerian areas and Jasper around.

Upstairs in Castle Victoria is more dangerous.

Battered Skeletons surround the Brax entrance in Ancient Place.

Spider Nest is home to all things poisonous.

Spider Queen carries better treasure.

Slime has moved down river closer to Barloque.

Orcs have taken over the Twisted Wood.

Scorpions have moved around Jasper.

Giant Rats have overtaken the courtyard of the Princess’ Castle.

Princess has increased her defense.

The underground into the Jungle has traffic other than dusk rats.

Added door or two from the Underworld for people who die in exotic places.

Brawling, Fire and Axe Wielding are easier to improve.

Increased chance at finding enchanted weapons.

Updated the loot in the treasure crate in Underbasement of Victoria.

Increased Advancement another 25% for spells and skills.
(also increased another 50+% for Winter on top of that until February 1st, 2022)

Justice, Expert, Tournament, Faction Bonus, Guild Hall Defense weapon enchantments appear to be functioning; please feel free to post or send feedback.

Added a couple other secret spots to find.

Made it a little harder and more rewarding to get the final node in Marion Crypt.


For those that got to the end of this post,

A special event, just for you.

There’s someething waiting for those who step past the ends of Meridian, past the temple buried beneath Marion, past the final level of the Underworld to the edge of the Nexus and the reality of Meridian - something waiting a long time. The gateway is temporarily open to it.

Bring a friend, a torch and a plan…on dying at least once.

Author: Mayhem
Date:Tue Dec 21, 2021
101 news globe

Upcoming In-Game Summer Events:

June: FRENZY & TEAM COMPETITION - one by night, one by day, time & date TBD and posted on Newsglobe

Monthly Scavenger Hunts (May, June, July & August)

Jinanya the Merchant Warrior is ready with her pack of rarities and will be visiting to sell unique treasures in a limited series of sales, time and date coming  soon.

This Weekend!

Scavenger Hunt this weekend: One Saturday, One Sunday; Items will be dispersed after Midnight US PST - treasure will be  gift wrapped and placed in random creatures in any of Meridians 280 wilderness rooms or abandoned areas including unused halls or places that don’t normally contain monsters.

Good Luck & Happy Hunting

Author: M
Date:Thu May 19, 2022
101 Designers News Globe

Boost Event until Thursday:
+50 Advancement; +15% Item Drop Rates, -10% death penalties

Author: M
Date:Sat Apr 16, 2022
101 news globe

The server has been updated to fix a timer bug.  I kept a backup of the game before the update in case things go bad, but so far, so good.


Author: Zaphod
Date:Tue Jan 04, 2022
101 news globe
