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Welcome to my simblr! I’m Evell (or Linnea if you want to call me by my real name ;) ) and I create Custom Content for The Sims 4. 




FAQ (+ask) - Please read before sending an ask! 

DOWNLOADS PAGE ✩(works best for desktop)



Answered WCIF’s ✩

People using my CC ✩

Recolors of my CC ✩

Conversions of my CC ✩

Sim downloads ✩


Rules (updated 5/5/2022):

  • This blog is a side blog of @mpuzzlegirl, so likes, comments, and follow backs from mpuzzlgirl relating to rp stuff is me. Asks will have the signature of “[compassinatedestiny]” and will be on anon, unless anon is turned off.
  • I am oc friendly, and crossover friendly. I am very flexible with my muses, so I am more than willing to bend some things of their backstories and personalities to fit the needs of a crossover series/thread, just shoot me a message if you are interested. I am familiar with YGO and most of it’s spinoffs, FMA (both 03 and Brotherhood), Soul Eater, and Demon Slayer/KnY, and Pokemon. I have specified verse versions of my muses for the previously listed franchises.
  • This is a multi-muse blog, my default muse is Isabel. However, if I feel either of my other muses are better suited for first time interactions, I will use Carmon, Setanta, or Scheza as a lead.
  • Shipping is not a requirement with me, I will not pressure or force anyone into ships. My muses tend to be attracted to chemistry based ships. If you are interested in shipping with either Isabel or Carmon, please message me! I’d be happy to figure something out.
  • I don’t write smut, it’s just not my thing. I’m okay with implied/fade to black transitions in thread.
    I can rp: violence, mild abuse, and some gore.
    Will not rp: rape, incest, and sexual abuse.
    I will tag triggers as “#tw:__”
  • RPing is a hobby for me, and sometimes my replies will be slow at times. And sometimes none of my muses want to cooperate or my own energy is low, so I ask that you be patient with me. I switch between paragraph format or one line responses, but I try to match what my partner has contributed.
  • I occasionally do drawing memes/post art specifically on this blog as a way of stress relief and some fun, but I have been taken advantage of in the past where people have only interacted with this blog for art and haven’t made an attempt to rp with me. This kind of one sided interaction is very hurtful and discouraging, so while I will not force someone to rp with me, please do not only follow for free art. If you are interested in more of my artist works, I post almost all my work on my main blog.  
  • I am not a meme source, please do not treat me like one.
  • General rules of rp: no GodModing, no ooc harassment, respect when I say “no” and I will respect yours too, I will do my best to trim threads if I am on desktop, and if I make a mistake either in thread or ooc, please talk to me in DM. My DMs are always open.
  • If you wish to rp ondiscordbecause tumblr isn’t your kind of platform/feel more comfortable on discord, that is totally fine. Please private message me for my discord.

About the Mun:

//My main blog is @mpuzzlegirl, I go by Puzzle, I’m 28, an illustrator, and I’m always available if you want to talk about rp plots or ideas or just about anything. I do have mild dyslexia, so I will do my best to catch grammar and spelling mistakes, but if i miss anything, please forgive me and I will do my best to fix it.
My ocs are a part of a few aus and written works, and I’ve adapted them for this rp blog to grow them as characters. I enjoy storytelling and story writing.

Blog Info:

  • She/Her
  • Wcif Unfriendly
  • I post gameplay/stories with mature themes (18+)

Quick Links:
