#mobile upload tag later




The sky truly was always a maelstrom. Knowing this was true, it led to longing, and then to rebellion, and eventually…
Here he stood, playing his lyre in Liyue. It was amazing, honestly. He was sure Barbatos was here somewhere, avoiding his duties as usual, but it wasn’t too crucial right now for Venti.
What was crucial was the grumpy looking boy with black and green hair he could see at the edge of the crowd. Music was meant to bring joy, so he had to get this guy to at least smirk!!
@blxe-skys-of-coxrage , Xiao

The Yaksha just finished up another tedious night of fighting demons. His body ached and cried out with his karmic debts. But then, the sound of the flute could be heard. Curious, he went to see who was playing that calming tune. It was pure enough to make the karma ebb away to near nothingness.

The bard continues weaving his tale through song, twirling a bit as he goes. Eventually, he does make his way through the crowd, pausing in front of this strange boy.

“Any song requests, o valiant listener?” He asks cheerfully. “I’d hate for you to leave my stage unsatisfied.”

how  do  you  need  to  be  loved  ?

Stole from @senpujin.




Like father, like daughter.

No DNA test needed.

@crimsonacrosstime​ @puppetxtheatre​ @doublexedged​ @yabanko​

Its a solid few minutes of staring at the pretty girl in her pretty pretty clothes before the partial demon has the nerve to approach, eyes wide.

Social cues are nonexistent, but like… usually village girls like having their yukata complimented, so ..

“Scuse me, sorry… your uhm. Your clothes and hair look real pretty.” Moroha finally manages to say, cursing how long it took her to speak.

