#mobsteve x deafreader


Awaken - Chapter 11

Evening lovelies! How are you all doing this fine evening? In this chapter Steve continues being a sneaky sneakerson and Bucky reads your text :(

Please reblog if you’re enjoying this series so far! :D Previous chapters can be found in my masterlist here.

Summary: Your cousin, Pepper, is getting married to mob boss, Tony Stark. Your childhoods were filled with nothing but hate and abuse, but you both found solace in each other and formed a close sisterly bond. So when you flew out to the city for their engagement party you were nothing but excited for this new chapter in her life. Although you were shy due to your impairment you couldn’t wait to get to know the ‘family’. Everyone was so welcoming, particularly mob bosses Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers.

Pairings: mob!bucky x deaf!reader, mob!steve x deaf!reader

Warnings: 18+, language, partially deaf reader (not medically accurate), language, possessive behaviour, angst.


*gif not mine*


I think it’s best we called it Bucky. It was fun but I’m not interested in taking this any further. Take care of yourself x

Bucky re-read the text you sent him over and over.

He was due to pick you up in an hour once Tony had left. He tried to text you back but it failed to send. When he attempted to video call it was obvious why - you had blocked his number.

A handful of emotions swept through him all at once, confusion, anger, disappointment…hurt.

He knew if this was to turn into something it would disturb the peace between the mob…but you were worth it. 

Bucky knew he wanted you. He had planned to secretly talk to you until the wedding, video calls, gifts, maybe even a cheeky visit to your home town.

All until you had the confidence to join him in Brooklyn.

He hadn’t felt this way about any other woman. He had never wanted to try, or give more than his body.

But for you? He felt like he could bare his heart and soul and you would protect it. 

You would be his soft, beautiful angel that he could come home to and rely on.

He would protect you and help you with your confidence with your impairment. 

Steve would eventually forgive him for taking you and Tony? Well, if he had to face the winter soldiers wrath then so be it.

He had it all planned out, until that text.

What a fucking idiot I am he thought as he threw his phone at the wall.

“Woah hey now where’s the fire punk?” Steve asked as he casually walked in.

Bucky closed his eyes in irritation. He couldn’t be bothered for Steve right now. He didn’t want to talk to anyone but you.

“See you’re feeling better? Good news, meetings off, had it already at Tonys, but we could hit one of the clubs tonight if you fancy?”

Steve tried to down play just how happy he was to see his best friends crestfallen expression. He knew by the look on Bucky’s face that he had received your text and were probably pissed.

“No thanks” Bucky grumbled as he pushed passed him.

“Oh come on now, if this is about Y/N then listen, she’s heading back tomorrow but that doesn’t mean you can’t distract yourself with some woman or two…or three?” Steve smirked.

Bucky stopped still on the staircase in thought.

His chest ached and he didn’t like it. 

If you wanted nothing to do with him then fine. He would bin the snacks and candles that he bought, turn off the fucking TV that was set up with one of your favourite movies to watch - including subtitles.

He would be Bucky fucking Barnes. 

The winter soldier. 

He would shut off his emotions so nothing and no one could hurt him, because this feeling that was starting to cripple him? It was new and frightening and he was never frightened…of anything.

Bucky turned around to meet Steve’s eye, a smirk playing on his lips.

“Suit up, we’re heading out”


Steve should feel guilty. 

He had never seen his brother look at a woman the way he has at you. He couldn’t blame him of course. Your innocence and beauty - inside and out, had him nearly crawling on his knees for you.

But he had another plan in mind.

Steve had been nursing the same glass of whisky for the past hour, whereas Bucky was on his 5th.

He watched as his friend got more and more intoxicated, accepting lap dances from multiple women. All the while Steve was snapping pictures on his phone - discretely of course.

He decided he had enough footage to anonymously send you from a burner phone… before Dot showed up.

The needy little brunette was wearing the skimpiest dress as she sauntered towards Bucky, one thing clearly on her mind.

She pushed off the lap dancer currently grinding on Bucky and straddled his lap.

“Where’s your little friend tonight handsome? She left you all alone?” Dot pouted faking sympathy and batting her eyelashes.

Bucky recognised Dot through his drunken haze. He didn’t like the fact she had mentioned you, that horrible ache in his chest started to return.

In a bid to quickly distract himself he grabbed the back of her head and pulled her towards him, kissing her fiercely. 

It was a mess of tongue and teeth as he tried to get lost in her…desperately trying to forget you.

Steve sat back in his chair, content with how tonight turned out. 

His beautiful baby was tucked up in bed, shame it wasn’t his bed but as long as you were safe he was happy. 

“Wanna dance hunny?” a pretty little blond thing asked as she attempted to climb onto Steve’s lap.

Steve halted her actions before she could straddle him.

“No thanks, theres only one girl on my mind tonight” Steve spoke the last part mostly to himself.

These photos, especially the one with Dot, would ensure you would never go running back to Bucky.


You woke with a start, not realising the time.

It was early in the morning, the sun had just risen and you had missed your date with Bucky.

Shit! Shit! Shit!

You quickly scrambled for your phone, desperately needing to apologise and explain.

You wanted nothing more than to spend your last night with Bucky and were gutted you had lost your chance.

You didn’t know how things were going to turn out with him, his speech he gave you at the restaurant took you by surprise, but there was a part of you that wanted nothing more than to allow this whirlwind romance to blossom into something more. 

Taking your phone from your nightstand you were surprised to see there was no missed calls or texts from Bucky…only an unknown number.

How odd, you thought he would have at least tried to ring you to see where you were.

Hesitantly you opened it…and you wished you hadn’t. 

There were multiple pictures of Bucky with different women. He had obviously went out last night when you failed to text him.

When you finally got to the picture of him and the woman you recognised from the engagement party you felt your stomach churn. 

Clearly everything he said was just a line, and Pepper had been right all along. You were stupid to even think about this turning into something more. 

He wasn’t your’s and you weren’t his…so why did a little crack in your heart appear?


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