#mod espie










So I started watching Supernatural on Netflix so I could watch it at the same time as my bf (long distance relationship), and they replaced ALL of the fucking music. Like a song started playing while watching Bloody Mary and I immediately got squinty eyed, like “wait a fucking minute.”

Like, one of the best parts about SPN is the music because they get classic rock and shit. But now anyone seeing it for the first time on Netflix, is getting these shitty replacement songs. Like, they don’t even fit the tone that the original songs set.

I am so mad right now, way more mad than I should be but god damn.

Posting this here because I know a bunch of blogs like @slagartehfox started watching on Netflix recently, and I can’t help but think of them and the subpar experience they’re getting.

My heart goes out to you guys it really does.


Where do you live?

Here in the US all the classic rock is intacted including a fairly long montage set to “Run Through the Jungle” and tons of classic rock and metal Dean plays son the car radio.

I don’t who it was, but one episode also plays a pretty cool fantasy-themed power metal song called “Stonehenge”

They also have “Back in Time” in the Groundhog Day episode.

Isn’t that the episode with the trickster?

Yes, it’s the second trickster episode.He’s the one that puts Sam in the loop.

I live in Canada, but the Netflix I have is American (or at least it should be, since it’s my partner’s and they live in America.) It pleases me to know that the music is still intact in some places though. the whole opening of “Skin” was ruined because they replaced Inagaddadavida with some indie band sounding BS.

Also awww Andy, miss that dude. And I can’t wait until you see the Trickster again (if you haven’t already). Good shit.


It doesn’t matter where your subscription is, Netflix delivers your content by figuring out where you are. That’s why there’s been such a big stink over the proxy server blocks. (I forget what they are actually called).

Ahhhh, okay, that explains a lot.

So Canadian Netflix doesn’t have the proper music for Supernatural, but we have Doctor Who and the American Netflix doesn’t.



How far are you into Supernatural?

Nearly done season 9, on Netflix my bf and I are on season 1.








So I started watching Supernatural on Netflix so I could watch it at the same time as my bf (long distance relationship), and they replaced ALL of the fucking music. Like a song started playing while watching Bloody Mary and I immediately got squinty eyed, like “wait a fucking minute.”

Like, one of the best parts about SPN is the music because they get classic rock and shit. But now anyone seeing it for the first time on Netflix, is getting these shitty replacement songs. Like, they don’t even fit the tone that the original songs set.

I am so mad right now, way more mad than I should be but god damn.

Posting this here because I know a bunch of blogs like @slagartehfox started watching on Netflix recently, and I can’t help but think of them and the subpar experience they’re getting.

My heart goes out to you guys it really does.


Where do you live?

Here in the US all the classic rock is intacted including a fairly long montage set to “Run Through the Jungle” and tons of classic rock and metal Dean plays son the car radio.

I don’t who it was, but one episode also plays a pretty cool fantasy-themed power metal song called “Stonehenge”

They also have “Back in Time” in the Groundhog Day episode.

Isn’t that the episode with the trickster?

Yes, it’s the second trickster episode.He’s the one that puts Sam in the loop.

I live in Canada, but the Netflix I have is American (or at least it should be, since it’s my partner’s and they live in America.) It pleases me to know that the music is still intact in some places though. the whole opening of “Skin” was ruined because they replaced Inagaddadavida with some indie band sounding BS.

Also awww Andy, miss that dude. And I can’t wait until you see the Trickster again (if you haven’t already). Good shit.


It doesn’t matter where your subscription is, Netflix delivers your content by figuring out where you are. That’s why there’s been such a big stink over the proxy server blocks. (I forget what they are actually called).

Ahhhh, okay, that explains a lot.

So Canadian Netflix doesn’t have the proper music for Supernatural, but we have Doctor Who and the American Netflix doesn’t.







So I started watching Supernatural on Netflix so I could watch it at the same time as my bf (long distance relationship), and they replaced ALL of the fucking music. Like a song started playing while watching Bloody Mary and I immediately got squinty eyed, like “wait a fucking minute.”

Like, one of the best parts about SPN is the music because they get classic rock and shit. But now anyone seeing it for the first time on Netflix, is getting these shitty replacement songs. Like, they don’t even fit the tone that the original songs set.

I am so mad right now, way more mad than I should be but god damn.

Posting this here because I know a bunch of blogs like @slagartehfox started watching on Netflix recently, and I can’t help but think of them and the subpar experience they’re getting.

My heart goes out to you guys it really does.


Where do you live?

Here in the US all the classic rock is intacted including a fairly long montage set to “Run Through the Jungle” and tons of classic rock and metal Dean plays son the car radio.

I don’t who it was, but one episode also plays a pretty cool fantasy-themed power metal song called “Stonehenge”

They also have “Back in Time” in the Groundhog Day episode.

Isn’t that the episode with the trickster?

Yes, it’s the second trickster episode.He’s the one that puts Sam in the loop.

I live in Canada, but the Netflix I have is American (or at least it should be, since it’s my partner’s and they live in America.) It pleases me to know that the music is still intact in some places though. the whole opening of “Skin” was ruined because they replaced Inagaddadavida with some indie band sounding BS.

Also awww Andy, miss that dude. And I can’t wait until you see the Trickster again (if you haven’t already). Good shit.


gholateg:mukuroikusabaka:homoghost:cakebaked:espeon noespeon yeslespeon@eeveelutionsfo





espeon no

espeon yes





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ultrafailureatlife:brando-relatable:Ok I used to ignore all the gross stuff people accused me ofultrafailureatlife:brando-relatable:Ok I used to ignore all the gross stuff people accused me ofultrafailureatlife:brando-relatable:Ok I used to ignore all the gross stuff people accused me of



Ok I used to ignore all the gross stuff people accused me of like being racist ableist transphobic serial killer apologist pedophile etc… but im gonna make an exception this time because its fucking pissing me off.

People have been saying that I did blackface for Avdol, who is arab like ME. I’m fucking brown I’m arab stop spreading stupid shit.

The first picture has an instagram filter on it, i dont even use foundation on my face the second pic is the original one, where is the blackface?? Its like brown people dont fucking exist only white and blacks do. Us brown people, depending on the lights can appear lighter or darker in pictures.

Tbh I dont even know if the first person on twitter was talking about me but the second one did and I remember getting an ask a long time ago that asked me if i did blackface. 

Im ending this right now, out of all the ridiculous accusations i got this one was the worst.

Morons: You’re not arab!


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